
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day o9::

A photo you took
**a letter to your parents**
Blake and I carved these pumpkins last week, Oh how I love them! Mine is the one on the left, his name is Dopey :) and Blakes is obviously on the right haha. It took us almost 5 hours! We spent about an hour going from store to store finding the best pumpkins, then it took us a bit to find pumpkin templates online, Mine was easy, Blake didn't have one. He just saw a picture of a similar pumpkin and carved away! While we carved we watched "scary" movies! lol It was a great night and i had TONS of fun!! Our pumpkins are pretty wilted now and droopy so Blake and I have decided to carve some more sometime this week! **YIPEE** Here are some more pictures of the night :) 

I found a tri-pod so taking pictures of family events is that much easier! Precious right?! Anyways... Those are my recent pictures! We had so much fun and I can't wait to carve more! (I'm also planning on carving some pumpkins with the kids I nanny talk about double fun!!

**a letter to your parents**
Dear Dad and Mom,
     In order to not get to personal on my blog I just wanted to tell you two how much I appreciate you both. I'm so thankful for all the unconditional love that you have given to me through out my life. 
     I'm so grateful to have grown up as your child. My childhood was beyond great. I'll never forget our family home evenings; Murder in the Dark, going to the canyon, night games, Los Hermanos, Mi Ranchito, Root beer floats, Our countless trips to California and Lake Powell. (I can't even imagine what it would be like to cart around 7 kids through a busy amusement park.) I'll never forget waking up for school in the morning, walking into the kitchen to see 7 brown sack lunches lined up on the counter, or our big family dinners every night. I was such a lucky child growing up, even through all the trials you two were always there for me. You wiped my tears and you let me hang out in your room and chat till 2 am! Some of our best conversations happened during the late hours of the night. Our family was golden growing up, thanks to you.
     Thanks for your support when it comes to Blake and I. You've been there with us every single step of the way! 
     We can't wait for what the future has to hold, I can't wait for the moment I have kids and I can place my little baby in your arms and introduce you two as his/her grandparents. What a great moment that will be. 
     I love you! I love you both SO much! Thank you for being MY parents and for raising me as you did. thank you for teaching me the gospel, and for encouraging me to be the best that I can be. (Thank you for pushing me to graduate). You two are both amazing! Once again, I love you!!
-Love Katanga 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Kathy.. those were the good old days huh sooo much fun Dad and I enjoyed EVERY BIT of doing it..Poor Allan sense all you kids are gone I think he thinks living here is boring LOL ...We are so proud of you Kathy you have really grown up to be a beautiful Woman, Wife, Friend and Sister and keeping that sense of humor. I miss you. we miss your late night talks dancing in the kitchen, movies, cookie baking Ah!!!just thinking about it bring's them back yo mind :) You're Pumpkin's are amazing remember our contest's we use to have I am looking forward to passing on those fun things we use to do..Love and miss you both MOM