
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day o1

Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself...

1: Blake is my best friend and everyday in my life seems so much brighter when he is around, I've never regret my decision to be his wife and I see everyday how blessed I am to be able to wake up to such a handsome and loving husband. (that's pretty much the most interesting fact about me but for the sake of the game I'll continue lol)
2: Blake says I look like ducky from Land Before Time... (I don't see it lol)
3: I like hand washing dishes I just really hate drying and putting them away.
4: I don't like the way the water feels when I take showers, it feels like needles.
5: Almost every night I go to bed with my freezing toes touching Blake.
6: Next to Blake, Foxie is most important. I miss her terribly and think about her more than often. I'm obsessed with her soft fur and warm lickies. I can't wait for the day when she gets to curl up at my feet at night!!
7: Finding Blakes gum hidden on random things throughout my house make me extremely happy and burst with uncontrollable laughter.
8: I usually have 4 or more different crafts going on at the same time. I get frustrated when I'm only working on one thing.
9: Cleaning is hard for me to do when there is music playing in the background (I find myself not cleaning and dancing instead) but when I don't clean without music I get little if anything done and find it depressing. 
I just can't win.
10: I hate the taste of water. gross! But I love chocolate milk (premade from the store) YUM!!
11: Reading is my downfall. I just got a library card and now I find myself reading more then I should. LDS romance novels make me week in the knees and give me butterflies. (Blake cuts it pretty darn close to the hopeless romantics I read about!!!)
12: I can't go to sleep without the fan or some sort of noise. The silence scares me to death!
13: My family is the greatest!! I have the best siblings and parents in the world! And as of six months ago I now have 14 brothers and sisters, 3 amazing fathers and 3 awesome mothers, and 7 wonderful nieces and nephews! I enjoy spending as much time with them as I can! I'm so blessed to have such an awesome family to call my own!
14: I don't like cooking. Not because I can't but because I don't have the patience. Also all the foods I like... Blake doesn't and all the food Blake likes... I don't. haha it makes it quite a challenge. Although my Gran gave me a SUPER COOL cookbook! So now I just might start cooking regularly... we'll see.
15: I'm more blessed now than I ever have been in my life. I'm so grateful for my Husband and for the gospel we share. The Gospel plays a HUGE roll in my life and in my families life. Because of it Blake and I have been able to grow stronger not only as individuals but as a couple as well. I am more happy than should legally be allowed lol. I owe 100% of my happiness to the Lord and his church. I am so grateful to be able to go to church every sunday and sit side by side with my Husband and learn more about my Savior. Being married and on my own have helped me grow a testimony of my own that has helped me through many trials over the past year. I know that no matter what the Lord will always be there for me and that gives me more comfort than I could ask for. I'm looking forward to my life with Blake, my Family, and my Savior.

(sorry the last one was long, it was necessary lol)
That's all for Day 01. Stay tuned for tomorrow!! 
Love Mrs. Thompson!!

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