
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day oSeven(7)::

Ugh I feel sick... to many pancakes :s

A photo that makes you happy
**the meaning behind you blog name**

Oh good heavens, there are so many pictures that make me happy! I don't think I can pick just one, so, I'm not going to! lol
This first picture is my most current favorite one. Every time I look at it I just laugh. I'm sure you will too!
Isn't he just Handsome?! Haha I'm thinkin' next teletubbie?? agreed?? lol He's just to priceless! 

We're cute huh?! The top picture was when my Dad took me to a school dance. It was one of my favorite school dances! I had the hottest date there!! He took me on a day date and we went out to eat and to the movies after with my smokin hot Mom! The bottom one is at my wedding (if you couldn't guess by my white dress lol) My Dad is one of my best friends. I talk to him about everything and anything. Growing up with divorced parents wasn't easy but I could always count on him to wipe my tears. I still do count on him. I wouldn't ever dream of asking my Heavenly Father for a different father. He is beyond perfect! I mean look at that Handsome man! he makes my heart smile!

well No there is no next. What I would love to do is just put up a picture of all my family because I love them all so much, they make me happy, pictures of them make me happy. But if I put a picture up of all my family members I would just put up the same pictures i put up for yesterdays post so just now that the pictures in Yesterdays post apply to this post as well!

Like children who have lost their way
Alone and comfortless we wander.
Stumbling through woods that grow deep and ever darker,
With no direction, we cry for help
And hear our pleas echo through canyons.
Is there anyone who can hear us?
Then, like a rushing wind, a voice whispers to our heart.
And through tear-filled eyes, we see an outstretched hand,
There to lead us home.
Though swirling streams may block our way
And slippery stones betray our feet
He leads us on. He knows the way, His feet are sure,
And in Him we find safe passage.
Greg Olsen - 1997
Surrounded by His enduring love, we are warm, safe and secure. That reassuring calm comes not by a spoken word or by gazing with our eyes upon His strong arms. It comes from the embrace which our heart feels and through the tender senses of our spirit. All around us we have the physical wonders and beauties of nature that bear the signature of their Creator and remind us of His enduring love. Although His presence is unseen by our eyes, His unending love is felt in our hearts.
Greg Olsen - 1997

My Mom has many Greg Olsen paintings. I grew up with them in my house. I love all of his paintings and I hope that one day I'll be able to hang one up in my house. 
Those are my pictures for today :) will post another one tomorrow!

Love:: Kathy T

oh yeah... the meaning behind my post name! I figure the only way to look at life is through the eyes of love. Love is always positive and if you look at life positively it will make ones life better and better! Or somethin' along those lines :) lol

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