
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sorry For The Delay

I'm sorry for the time it's taken me to blog. I'm terrible at this whole 3o Day Challenge deal. Here... Let me explain what took me so long. Blake and I got a job!! Well, Blake already had a job with Grandad, We both got a job working together cleaning the main Wells Fargo building here in Saint George! We go every day (except Sunday), and spend two hours cleaning it up! Just us two. We went yesterday for the first night to finish up all our training, yada yada. It's pretty great! Along with our ABM job, I got another one and I love it! A couple days back Blake and I went to the LDS Employment Service place and set up accounts with them.  Friday, I got a phone call from a lady who offered me a Nanny job!! I met them that night and Yesterday was my official first day! It was AWESOME!! I nanny 3 kids!

 Annabella (6th Grade), Rene (1st Grade), and Angelina (kindergarten). They're great kids! We went and had a picnic, then to the park, then we watched The Corpse Bride and had spaghetti! I watch them every Tuesday thru Saturday. I'm so excited! The best part about it is the fact that they are looking for someone long term, so I'll have a great job for quite awhile! Boy has the Lord sent many blessings our way! 

Now back to the subject on hand, why I didn't blog. Friday I wasn't feeling to hot so blogging was last on my mind and Yesterday I nannied from 1:30-6:45 and then went straight from nannying to ABM until 1:15ish, am. So, it was a long day and by the time a got home blogging was pretty much the last thing on my mind haha so here I am to catch up!! La da da!!!

A photo that makes you angry/sad
**a habit that you wish you didn’t have**
This photo makes me sad :( It makes me miss my little Fox. Not only her as my dog  but I miss her as a little pup! She was so tiny! I mean seriously could fit in my pocket! Swoon! I love how she looks with her little Fox haha all snuggled up! Soon she'll be back with us! Soon!

This photo makes me angry... and sad. This picture is from my brother. It's a picture of an animal that died in the oil spill :( my heart just breaks when I see stuff like this. The worst part is there isn't much I can do about it. (except by a bottle of dawn, but that's not much). I wish things like this just wouldn't happen. But like my Dad says, "If fishes were wishes we'd all have a fry." One day we'll figure it out. :)

**a habit that you wish you didn’t have**
Like everyone else in this world I am nowhere near perfect. I have MANY MANY habits that I wish I just didn't. But instead of complaining about them, I am working on being a better person daily. Just so I can remind myself how human I truly am, here is a list of habits I just wish would go away lol.
  • Quick to anger and slow to forgiveness
    • This one is a hard one for me. I'm extremely lucky to have Blake though. If it were for his patience and understanding I'm sure we would fight quite a bit. I need to learn to calm down and not sweat the small things. Then I need to learn that people don't always have to say "sorry" in order for me to forgive them. I just do. 
  • Patience
    • Boy, do I need patience! This and my number 1 are the top things I'm working on. I believe that is one of the big reasons behind my church calling and my job. Being around kids definitely helps me with patience. I love my job and I love my calling and I'm so so SO grateful for the opposrtunity to learn and grow with them. 
  • Organization
    • Ugh! I'm SO bad at organizing, seriously, you should see my craft room. Everything is so mixed with each other, I'm sure if I organized it then it wouldn't take me a minimun of 30 minutes to find onw small little thing. Once again, Ugh**
  • Cleaning
    • I swear I'm good at cleaning everything but my own house. Lol I clean for my job. But for some reason I can't seem to keep my laundry done, the dishes cleaned, or my bed made. Haha one day I will though! Let's just hope it's before children come along! lol

Don't worry peeps that's only a short, short list of my unwanted habit that I'm working on but everyones got to start somwhere right?! 

      Love:: KappyAnn T. XoXo

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