
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm Dead.

 I died. 


Would you like to hear how? I'm sure you would. 

This afternoon while cleanse-ing(?) my disarray of a house I stumbled upon a happy meal toy that my nephew had neglected to open. Being the curious self that I am was... I opened it up desiring knowledge as of what was inside. That was my first mistake. Seconds after revealing what was inside I placed it on my face (last mistake) and died.  What was revealed to me in the mirror was just SO COOL that I died of complete awesomness. End of story.

 Here are some photographs of the culprit. 

Does this fridge make my nose look big??

  Laughing at my abundant sense of humor I sent a picture similar to the last one to my parents and I asked my Dad the same fridge question... his reply was utterly
awesome! Here's how it went...

me:: "does the fridge make my nose look big?"
Father:: "your nose makes the fridge look small..."
me:: *sigh* awesome.

What a magnificent life I lead. 
I thought I'd brighten up your day and send some love your way!
Love:: Mrs. T!

Postscript:: Sorry the pictures aren't as great quality, my camera has gone M.I.A. and I had to use the webcam on my computer. oh well. what's done is done.
Post.Postscript:: I took these pictures and wrote this post after I willed myself alive for a few minutes so I can share the joy with all of you. the end. 


Clenece said...

lol SWEET glasses!

*The Ranagan's* said...

haha this is totally AMAZING! Love it...please never take it off..ever....