
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So much has happened the past couple weeks! I got home from Orem last Thursday, as great as it is to be  home and sleep in my own bed, I will always miss my family. But the time spent up in Orem was not wasted. I had a great time seeing my parents, my brothers, my sisters, and even some great friends! Blake and I arrived in Orem Thursday night around 11:00. The drive wasn't to bad, he drove the first half and I drove the last half. By the time I hit Nephi I felt like I couldn't get there fast enough!My Fox was so happy to see us and I was even more happier to see her. MY little sidekick. Friday there was a party at my sisters, on Saturday Mick, Mands, Amanda D, Blake and I went and saw Despicable Me! Such a cute movie! We spent a lot of time hang out around the house on Sunday and then Monday I went on a lunch date with my best friend Kinzy! We went out to eat at this little chinese place, where I had some great beef, then we went to the mall and got some shopping done! I got 2 shirts, and 2 pairs of pants all for under $15! Oh how I love good sales! Blake also had to go back to Orem he had a job interview he couldn't miss. The next day I went to Olive Garden with my friend Emily who I haven't seen since almost Jr. High. It was so great catching up with her. It's good to here all of the great things she is accomplishing in her life! It's sad that we became so distant and lost contact when we both went to separate high schools but it was GREAT being able to reconnect!! LOVE YOU GIRL!! After we ate we were gonna go see Despicable me (again) because she hasn't seen it and I loved it but some things came up and I wasn't able to go :( Hopefully next time right?! Tuesday night I went to my parents house to spend some time with them. Oh how I love my parents! Being married gives you a whole different perspective on life. I appreciate both my parents so much more now that I am married and i know will appreciate them EVEN MORE when I have little children of my own. I don't know how my Mom got up every morning and made 7 amazing sack lunches for all us kids. I can barely get myself to make a mezzly pb&j for me haha. Anyways, we talked and got to spend some great time together. Wednesday my parents took me to Wingers and then we went and saw How to train your dragon. Because I love that movie just SO much! The next I drove up to Manti with Mick and Blake picked me up. I feel like my time home was so short but I enjoyed every minute of it! I can't wait to go back, hold my Foxie, receive my hugs and laugh with my family once more. 

Here are some pictures from the trip. Not much because I was having lots of camera difficulties :s
I know it's blurry but she just looks so darn cute!

Well, Stay tuned for my next post coming later today!

Love:: Kathy

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