
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Boys came down for a visit!

Last Wednesday my two handsome nephews came down and stayed with Blake and I until Saturday morning! We spent most of their time here swimming or *whimming* as Jax would say. When we weren't whimming we did some baking, read some books, built a killer fort, went to the splash pad, indulged in some Wendys, named a lizard, watched some movies and had breakfast in bed! I had so much time chasing my two little bundles of joy that my house seemed utterly empty when they left. But as my sister has said, they will be making lots of trips to Vegas which means lots of weekends spent with my boys! Here are some pictures of all the swimming and fun activities that took place this past week!
At the pvth swimming pool.
Jax watched Thomas while Jayden played with my phone
Blake found a little lizard outside and brought her in for us to see
We named her Lizzie the Lizard, we took pictures and
then we let her go back outside.

Jaxtons cute little face is just priceless in this picture. He was posing for me when one of the "sprinklers" came on and startled him!

At the Washington City Center Swimming with the Neighbor kids.

This is what the Washington Center looks like, sorry it's dark I snapped it on my way out.

Our awesome fort!! To cool for aliens!

All in all I had such a great time with the boys! Even though it was a little bit frustrating at times I would still have them back in a heart beat!! I also loved watching Blake play with the kids! He was always making them laugh and helping them out. I love seeing them interact with each other. I can't wait to one day have my own little tykes to build forts with and teach how to swim!... One day :)

Well that's it for tonight! Will post more tomorrow!!
Love:: Mrs. Thompson!

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