
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Friday, June 4, 2010

A lot of catching up and a LOT of pictures!

So life has been filled with lots of ups and downs lately. But for the most part it's still REALLY good. let’s start with the downs (not very many) so we can end on a good note shall we?? :)
1: This one could very easily become an “up” but as of right now, it’s a down. My family is going to Lake Powell on Saturday and Blake and I REALLY want to go. The end.
2: Although I DO get to see my Fox this weekend, I do NOT get to bring her home. YET. The end.
3: After a LOT of time price matching sewing machines and trying to find the best kinds. I have decided that a 600 dollar sewing machine is not what I need right now, (OR a 200 dollar one for that fact). I mean don’t get me wrong I would still LOVE a sewing machine but I just can’t bring myself to spending that much money on myself, or period. 600 dollars is a whole months worth of bills! It’s MORE than a whole months worth of bills! I want a sewing machine, just not as bad as I thought I did. Soooo I am not getting one right now and I am personally fine with that. The end.
4: I have a very messy house right now and I want it clean. The end.
5: Lately I have been having HORRIBE nightmares. Like to the point where Blake has to wake me up because I am bawling, therefore causing me not to fall asleep until well after 4-6 in the morning making me very ornery during the day. I would very much like them to stop. The end.
6: My neighbors gave Blake and I a baby quail that kept hopping into their house, we named him Nigel. We tried to let him go but he sat at our door step for HOURS, literally. So we brought him inside and tried to take care of him. The first couple days he did great with eating and drinking, but then he just stopped. He didn’t last very long, he was just a little guy. Maybe a little bit bigger then a gum ball. He is in a better place now, I just miss his little tweets and the bouncy little fur ball. The end.
here's the little guy all nestled up sleeping. ah. love him.
We kept him warm by letting him lay on heated water bottles. He would get so comfy and spread out on the bottle with his little wings draped down the side! I loved it! But he moved before I could take a better picture.
Alright now forget the fact that I have a double chin in this picture. ok... Now that we're past that... Look at how cute he is!! All snuggled up with me! I didn't ever want to leave the house!
Well... I believe that is all of the "downs" in my life so far. Not anything to bad right?? All do-able. I'm lucky to have such a blessed life :)
NOW... The time we've all been waiting for... The Ups!! All the new news and great moments in my life as of today... Read on!
1: Blakes toe is getting WAY better! The doctor at the hospital put in a fake toenail to protect the stitches on his nail bed and once the numbing went away Blake said he could feel the fake toenail grinding under his skin. ew. After a lot of trying to convince him not to remove it, the moment I go back to work I receive a video of him removing the fake toenail. HA! I laughed SO hard! This boy just has a complete mind of his own, and if he wants that toenail out… It’s gonna be out!
2: Blake and I got some bed lifts for our bed.  They’re pretty awesome! They raise the bed a whole 5 inches! It makes our room feel THAT much more comfy and it makes our bed look THAT much nicer! There is now roughly 13 inches under our bed and the top of our bed is roughly 34 inches from the ground. It’s SO nice. Also a plus along with this plus… Blake likes the bed lifts as well so it makes me a lot happier!
The bed set was a gift to Blake and I from my Gram. I love the colors of it and all the matching pillows The comforter is perfect for when it's cold, (or when Blake has the fan on high all night). Thanks Gram!!
Please don't mind the mismatching bedskirt at the bottom. I am working on getting a new one. I just didn't like seeing underneath my bed haha. The boogey monster needs SOME place to hide!
This is our summer quilt, my wonderful Aunts and my Grandma made this for Blake and I for our wedding gift. It's perfect for the hot nights here in Saint George!
(This is our room not even 5 minutes after I spent hours rearranging and cleaning it. Lol I promise you, keeping it clean for any longer then 5 minutes is record time for Blake and I haha)
3: I finished all the laundry that needed to be done. As well as folding it and tomorrow I will put them all away once I organize my closet and his drawers. That alone I think I deserve a pat on the back lol.
This is only one of the baskets of folded clothes there are about 4-5 more baskets...
...and two whole couches full.
4: Blake and I got a sandwich grill. It is divine. I’m in love. It completes me (Or something along those lines.) Last night Blake made me a grilled ham and cheese sandwich and today I made myself a peanut butter and jelly grilled sandwich and tomorrow I’ll probably make some other grilled sandwich. I know I will never be disappointed with the outcome.
5: Since we got Netflix we have become avid Lost watchers. I’m not talking 1 episode a night. I’m talking 3 or 4 sometimes 5, resulting in actual sleep around 1 or 2 sometimes 4 in the morning. We’re both addicted to knowing what becomes of the abandoned airplane passengers. The end of the show can’t come soon enough.
6: Blake and I are heading down to Orem today for the weekend and also so I can celebrate my birthday with my family  Because we all know, today is my birthday! Yay. It’s weird because I feel like just the other day it was my birthday but in all actuality that was really a year ago. Oh how time flies! I’m really grateful because since we are driving to Orem with Blakes parents they really didn’t have to leave Saint George until Saturday but they’re leaving a day early just so I’ll be able to spend some time with my family. They truly are GREAT! I couldn’t ask for better in-laws!
7: It’s my birthday
8: The other day Blake took me birthday shopping and I got some pretty awesome gifts! Although I didn’t get a sewing machine, I was able to get some other great gifts. Including my AMAZING new beautiful blue, thin soled vans that I have been dying to own since last year! Lol boy am I one spoiled girl **wink**
9: I have a wonderful husband that loves me oh so dearly, a husband that takes GREAT care of me and a husband that tells me how important I am to him daily. His love for me makes my life more wonderful every day.
(Blake being his normal self when I try to take a picture of him haha if only he knew where these pictures were gonna end up. priceless.)
10: I got a new laptop, which will always be a plus. My Mom Reyna is moving to Peru with my little sister and Jose on June 12th. She’ll be gone for six+ months. Since she’ll be gone for Christmas all of us got our Christmas presents early this year… Laptops! Dun du dun! I love having one. My life is a lot more intriguing with one. I love being able to rest up on the couch for a few hours and look at all the wonderful creative things I can’t wait to do around my house. Hopefully I’ll post more on that later.
11: Um… My house is a mess but I am not caring about it right now because Blake told me I don’t have to. Now all I have to do is pack. *ugh* I hate packing. I always pack either WAY to much or not enough. Either way, I’m still screwed in the long run. But hey, at least I don’t have to worry about my messy house right?!
12: I get to see my FOXIE this weekend!!! I cannot wait to hold my little companion in my arms again! I have missed her lickies SOoooO bad! I can’t wait to pet her and snuggle up with her at night! Oh how divine.
13: Last Sunday Blakes family came over to our house because it was our turn for dessert and we had some ice cream with some delicious funfetti cupcakes that I made, (yes, they came from a box but hey, they tasted good so I think I deserve some sort of pat on the back don’t I? haha)
I'm SO good that I even "swirled" the frosting! I was pretty excited haha.
Sorry for all the cupcake pictures, I was pretty proud so I took a bunch to share with all of you!! Enjoy!!
Mckenna and Kaden! My two little buddies! Every time they come over they ALWAYS want to just hang out with me. It makes me feel so loved. Especially when its to the point where they'd do anything to be by my side... Like help me with the dishes :] 14: I got to spend Memorial Day with my husband and his family at Gran and Grandads, where we had wonderful ribs, corn, rolls, roasted pineapples’, and yummy watermelon! Mmmm! P.s. that flower in my hair is from my handsome nephew Kaden, (oh how I greatly I love my nieces and nephews!)
My new birthday outfit that I love so much!
My cute little Mckenna striking a pose for me :)
The one time I get Blake to take a "normal" picture with me and I'm not even looking at the camera... great.
Oh! There he is! Good ol' Blake and his camera faces.
Hmm… Well as of right now I can’t think of any more significant “ups”. I think that is all of them. Yup, that is all. The end.
Anyways, that is what has been going on in the life of Blake and Kathy Thompson! Tune in next post to see pictures of my soon to be clean casa and a wonderful crafty project I have displayed on my wall! Hopefully it will bring a smile to some of you because I know it sure does to me  **smiling**
::Thanks for reading! Hope to post again soon!!
Kathy A. Thompson

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