
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A night to remember...

Tonight was a scary and equally tough night for Blake and I. We were snuggling on the couch watching some lost, when he sat up and his left arm started tingling. He had no idea why he was feeling this way so suddenly, so he looked up the possible reasons on google and read,"tingling and numbness in the left arm: If you can't account for the feeling (such as slept on the arm or were in a recent injury) you may well be having a heart attack. Please call 911 or see an ER immediatly. Also look out for a feeling of heaviness on your chest, shortness of breath, feeling nauseous, sweating or general ill feeling (Each sympton coming on as he reads), these are all signs of an impending heart attack." He told me he thought he was having a heart attack. We called Nick first to ask what we should do, he said to get some Asprin and go to the doctor, then Blake called his Dad, his Mom and then he had me call my Dad. They all said go to the hospital. So I grabbed his wallet and my purse, we got in the car and headed to the ER. Once there we told the nurse our situation and she instantly took us back to have him checked out. I'm not going to lie I was a little bit nervous. After a few minutes of answering questions the doctor came in and took a look at Blake (best part, the doctor we had tonight is the same guy who fixed up Blakes toe and yes he remembered us and yes he did ask to take a look at Blakes toe again haha) He examined Blake a little bit more and asked him some more questions. When all was said and done, he told us that Blake didn't have a heart attack. What most likely happened was he had paresthesia in his arm and when he googled it thinking he was having a heart attack it caused him to hyperventilate and gave him an anxiety attack. Now I'll take that any day over a heart attack. After we said our thank yous to the doctor we went to Nick and Cleneces to tell them the news only to find Nick not there and Blake and I sitting down and talking to Clenece for the next half hour or so and then we called all our parents, came home and now I am writing all about it :) Not only was this a scary night for us but it was also a big eye opener. Blake and I are so blessed. We are both very looked out for by our Heavenly Father. Not only this time but for the past THREE times that we have been in the ER in the past FOUR months! (March: something was wrong with Blakes lungs, May: Blake smashed his toe at work and June: "Heart Attack") These weren't just doctor visits they were serious health concerns and each time we were blessed to have Blake come out with no serious damage at all. Tonight I had a very special experience as well, when Blake told me that he thought he was having a heart attack, I had a very calming feeling that everything was going to be. And because I had that feeling I was able to handle the situation a lot more maturely rather then panicking and breaking down and crying. I can honestly say that I KNOW the Lord is watching over us, that he cares for both Blake and I very much. I am so grateful to be able to recieve his blessings not only for myself but for my husband as well and our families. I'm so glad that I am apart of the LDS church, that I am able to learn more about our Heavenly Father and all the wonderful blessings that he has given to us and the blessings we have yet to recieve. I am truly grateful. Also, thank you for all of your love and kindness and support. You bring so many blessings and so much happiness in to our lives. Sleep well tonight and remember you are always loved. Lots of love. Thanks for reading! Hope to post again soon! Love:: Kathy Thompson Oh yeah, Blake wants me to tell all of you that it was more serious then I am making it sound. He was bleeding out of the ear and he DID have a heart attack we just don't want to talk about it. haha goodnight.

1 comment:

Clenece said...

I am so glad it wasn't a heart attack!! We love you guys. Thanks for stopping by!