
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Family Room and a craft

I orginally wanted to put all the pictures of my house up at one time but I'm finding it REALLY hard to keep my WHOLE house clean at once! It's actually pretty ridiculous haha. So I decided as I clean the rooms I will take pictures. Last night I was able to clean our family room. I wish we're able to keep the whole house clean at one time but for some reason it is really difficult for us lol. Today I hope to work on the kitchen and get those dirty dishes out of the sink and into the dishwasher! Let's see how that goes right?! Anyways... Here is our family room that I love SO much!I really like my family room, it's simple but still has room to grow! That little basket next to the table is my SHOE BASKET! For some reason I think shoe baskets are great. I love it. It's perfect! Blake's not a big fan though haha I'll come home from work to find it in one of the guest bedrooms haha no big though... I just move it back ;) I love being able to place my shoes in there instead of having them all over the house to trip on when you're fumbling to the kitchen at night. I love how "clean" it looks.
I got these love picture frames from Blake for Valentines Day and I LOVE it! Yeah, it did take a month or two to finally get up on the wall but HEY it's up now and it looks GREAT!! Yeah, I realized the "LOVE" is crooked but I didn't figure that out until after I uploaded the pictures to my computer. It was late and I am lazy so, I didn't fix it and take another one lol. enjoy :P
Also... I know there are no pictures in the frames yet but we're working on that haha. We have SO many pictures of Blake and I floating around our house that we want to fill these ones with pictures of our hobbies and our loved ones :)
The lamp is one of my favorite things in this room. Blake and I got it for only $15.00! We stumbled upon it in Vegas while we were on our honeymoon, I instantly fell in love with it and Blake let me buy it. I think it fits quite well in our little house.
The curtains. Ya... we splurged on the curtains. Well... Blake splurged on the curtains lol he LOVES these curtains. They were about 70-80$ in the end. We got them at bed, bath and beyond. Although they were spendy I really like them. It was hard to find curtains that matched the green we had in mind. So when we saw these one we HAD to get them. Plus we had SO many gift cards to bed, bath and beyond, from our wedding so we ended up not having to pay anything. We wanted to get stuff we really liked and we REALLY liked these so we bought them! Lastly, this is just our little table that matches our coffee table and side table. It fit's our pictures perfectly. Don't mind the dishes on the bottom lol those are supposed to be at D.I. (3 months ago) lol I'll get around to it sooner or later :)

Well... That is all of our lovely family room! Hopefully we'll be able to get a new tv and/or tv stand soon! I honestly don't mind my huge block tv lol the only problem is it's SO DARN HEAVY! Haha it probably weights twice as much as me, plus some! So instead of doing something with it, it stays right there. on the floor. where I have no lifting to do. And I'm just fine with that! haha Anyways... No... I am not done with this post! I still have the "AND A CRAFT" part to write on haha but I promise I won't write to much on it :)

HERE WE GO!!... When I first moved in (without Blake) my house seemed so depressing, so lonely and quite, which is why he bought me my little Foxie Fox. Then we got married and my Fox had to move to Orem. Even though Blake was here when he went to work I was still so bored and lonely so I had to do something to occupy my time and my mind. That is when I started REALLY getting into crafty projects :) Since Blake and I are currently renting, painting the white drabby walls in not an option for us and neither is applying wallpaper. Major no no. SO, I had to come up with something that I could easily put on the wall and easily take off the wall without ever leaving a trace that it once was there. And so along came my "wallpaper but not really wallpaper" idea..

Wa-laa! So the directions and basics of this project was pretty simple, it was just really time consuming (which I guess is perfect for me.) It consist of fabric, fabric pencils, scissors, tape, a paint brush and a corn startch glue like solution that I made but forgot how I made it lol First I picked my fabric, I got about a yard of the green, less than half of the yellow and half a yard of the black. All the fabric cost me less than $4.00 plus the fabric pencils for $1.50 plus the paint brush $.98 and the corn startch for I don't remember haha I got all the items home, ironed them, made the glue solution and then tested a small patch of each fabric in the corner of the wall to make sure the color wouldn't bleed onto my walls. After all of those gruesome steps (and I'm not even to the hard part lol). I laid the fabric out on my table and hand drew the flowers and cut them out. I drew one petal and cut it out and then another and then so on and so forth.After having the first flower cut out, I taped the flower to the wall where I wanted it to be. After It looked right I mixed up the solution again, laid the fabric "face" down on top of a magazine and painted it with glue. I got all the drippy glue off and placed it on the wall where I felt fit. I made sure to smooth out the fabric so there were no air bubbles and I wiped away all the fugitive drips. After about 3 hours a day for 2-3 days I was all done! I finished both the flowers and started on the leaves and then I ended up going up to Orem for my sisters graduation and when I came back Blake had cleaned up the HUGE mess I made and along with that discarded my "glue solution" so instead of adding stems which was my orginal plan I just left it as it was. Which I'm also okay with. I didn't want to waste anymore time on it either because since Blake and I are moving soon it's gonna be taken down. Bummer. But hopefully I'll be able to find a place for it at our new place right?!?! This is the finished project. I'm pretty proud of myself and I like the way it turned out :) When I re figure out the solution I hope to do more stuff like this in the other rooms, even though I'm not very good at free hand drawing. We'll see though! P.s. I really like the butterfly, even though it's girly i think it's cute :)
Well that's all for now! Look for my upcoming post on all the wonderful things I have to fix and my adventures with blake and the nemisis!
Lots of love. Thanks for reading! Hope to post again soon! Love:: Kathy THOMPSON!!!

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