
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy 3 months!

Today Blake and I have been married for 3 months. It's crazy how time can seem to fly by but also be SooooOoooOoo slow! I feel like we got married just yesterday but at the same time I feel like we've been married for years! Regardless if it's just days, months or years, I LOVE IT!! Blake does such a great job at being my best friend, he is everything I imagined a husband being and I love him so much. He's so great and I'm so lucky to get to spend every day with him. I can honestly say with all my heart he is my perfect one. These past couple months have been bliss. We've learned so much about each other. It's nice having someone as sweet, caring, patient, kind and loving as Blake. Here... let me explain, every morning before Blake goes to work or wakes up for the day he always comes over to me and just gives me a hug for no less then 5 minutes just so I can start my day off great. I'll come home, enter the house and find my completely.trashed.before.i.went.to.work.kitchen: spotless. all the dishes done, floors swept, counters wiped, everything. same with our family room. He always tells me he loves me, especially when I least expect it. He makes me laugh, so.hard! When I am flaming hot mad he ALWAYS knows what to say to calm me down, he's patient with me and he knows exactly when to give me space, give me a hug, give me a kiss, or just give me a good laugh. Life is so great with Blake around. I always tell him he's being to obnoxious but secretly, I.love.it. shhhh. haha. He does the funniest things like all his different voices, and how disgusted he gets by himself when he tries to sing seriously (favorite) and how he'll say something funny he always laughs after, but it's not his real laugh it's his i'm.not.sure.if.this.is.really.funny.but.i'm.just.going.to.laugh.because.i'm.nervous. laugh. It's the cutest thing in the world. Blake is just the cutest thing in the world. We can both act like complete dorks around each other and just laugh and laugh and laugh! He keeps my secrets. He takes complete care of me when I am sick and totally ornery. He never stops trying to make me happy. He thinks i'm beautiful even when I don't wear make-up. He respects me and encourages me to be the best I can. He is selfless, he puts me before himself. I love him because he makes me laugh and love life. He helps me be strong. He lets me fill our garage with a bunch of old, disgusting, furniture in hopes that one day I might be able to save them and he doesn't complain. I love him because he loves me. Oh how I can't wait to grow old with him!

Side Note: Now I know that 3 months really isn't that big of a deal but leave it to me to make little occasions, HUGE. So please expect a post like this a month from today :) Or maybe I'll just spare you and write something a little less gushy. We'll just have to see won't we?

Going on... Now that you all know why I love my husband so.darn.much. let me just show you what I made for him tonight... DINNER!! and guess what else... it was all from scratch! Yupp... It was good too, I was impressed with myself :] I made Pork Chops baked with potatoes, onions and milk, Bacon romaine salad, twice baked potatoes, tropical punch, topped with a yummy strawberry divine dessert. Here, let me show you pictures...

Trust me, it tasted better then it looks! lol Hopefull I'll have the courage to make dinner more often huh? We'll see. After dinner I massaged Blakes neck (it's been hurtin him lots lately :[ ) and we watched some more lost. It's a terrible addiction. It was a great day. Oh yeah... Today at church Blake and I got to teach the little sunbeams. It was great! They are so cute and so sweet. We talked about families and how Heavenly Father placed us each in our own special families for special reasons and the things those kids said about their families was just priceless. I loved it! Well, that's all for today! I hope tomorrow is just as exciting! Hope to post soon! Lots of love! Love:: Kathy Thompson! I love you Blake Scott Thompson!! (a.k.a. babe.honey.sweetheart.sugar.baby.handsome.love.etc)

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