
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Should be, but am not...

You know, I should be type my 6-8 page English paper on early onset Alzheimer's that is due tomorrow at approximately 10:30 but... I am not. I can't. You see, my mind is floating everywhere but here, in the library, where it is supposed to be, typing my research paper. I feel like I already put my time in for school today, I mean 2 Spanish tests and class is way to much work time, especially since it is my day off from work. But alas, it is not my day of from school, or life for that matter. So I am going to stop dilly dallying and I'm going to start on my paper. Hopefully. So, wish me luck... I have one loooonnnnggg, unprepared but totally deserving night ahead of me. Thank goodness my Husband doesn't mind wasting time beside me. *sigh* I'm to lucky!


P.s. I'm going to Orem in just a few weeks!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If you can stick, you can spe...

I finished my spe logs! I was really nervous to do spes at first but they ended up being totally easy! It didn't take long for me to finish them either. Was my face flushed when I did my first spe? Heck ya it was. Did my hands tremble a little? Of course. Did my spe draw come out successful? 100 percent!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my job?!
Yeah, sometimes my feet ache after an 8 hour shift and sometimes my back does as well.
Yeah, sometimes I get frustrated and badly want to clock out and try again the next day.
Yeah, I uber miss my hubby and would so rather be fishing and goofing off.
and Yeah sometimes I do think about how great it would be to just have to go to school...
but oh how I love my job!
how I find pride in my job!
how  grateful I am for my job!

"where do you work?"
"Biolife **GRIN**"

My next set of logs will be either advanced or sample prep but I won't be getting those for awhile. Which is OK with me because I have to focus a little more of my time on school and my midterm English test coming up soon *sssiiggghhh*

School is still going well, I got an A on my English paper that I worked pretty hard on, can someone say gratification? It got me excited and pretty hopeful that maybe, just maybe, I can pass this midterm coming up. I took a Spanish test today, fingers crossed I did well. And I successfully threw 2 bowls last night in ceramics. They actually don't look that bad (which isn't something I can say about my cups, blah). I go in tonight to get some help on my Math... WISH ME LUCK!

On Monday I surprisingly had the day off, I switched shifts with a coworker that I forgot about. So what better thing to do then pack up your swimming suit and hit up Vegas where your parents are just so happening to be staying for the week?? That's just what The Hubby and I did! It was such a fun and relaxing day! We swam in a saline pool, completely different then what I expected. We ate a buffet (of course). And then we spent the rest of the day "catching up" and enjoying each others company. Any time I can take with my family I'll jump at. But of course I think we all know that by now!

A couple weekends ago Blake and I went up North for the weekend and we stayed at my sisters and my grandparents house. Mick, Mands, Allan, Blake, and I hit up a few haunted houses, which was greatly enjoyed! My precious little nephew Emery was blessed. And my cousin Mike got married. Congrats Mike and Brittany!! As always time well spent. Can't wait to go back for Christmas!

Also on Saturday my friend from work Jodi and her Hubby Jesse cam over and we had a great night watching the Halloween town series, carving pumpkins and eating pizza. I should have gotten pictures but the thought didn't even cross my mind. Oh well, next time! Thanks guys for coming over! We had a great time!

That's about all I've got so far. Hopefully this upcoming week will bring some fun adventures!

Enjoy your week!
Xo: Mrs. T

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just an update....

I figured since it's been awhile since my last post and I finished my Lib homework early I would post a quick update. Sorry peeps, no pictures this time around.

First off... I'm finally in school! And even though it's amazingly stressful and exhausting, I'm loving every minute of it. The 20 credits I'm enrolled in consist of Math, Spanish, English, Ceramics, Photography, Lib, and Co-op. Monday-Thursday are crazy hectic days, spent with lots of school, work, school again, and then homework. Somehow between the 20 credits at school and my 38+ hours at work I'm making it out alive and well. While also maintaining a B average which is good enough for me! My favorite class so far is Ceramics, not because I am good at it, but because I'm taking it with my best friend Blake, my bro Marc, and his girly (my friend) Brenna! It's kind of my "break" class where I can just relax and not worry to much. My least favorite class is Lib. I find I'm not very good at motivating myself to get online and just do it. But I'm slowly learning to be responsible.

Work is also going really good. I feel like everyday I learn something new. Something that makes me feel good about my job and the things I am doing there. My coworkers and managers/supervisors are all awesome. It is such a fun a job. The best part about it is even when the center is unbelievably busy and slammed and I feel like I'm going to explode from work, my awesome coworkers always pull through and manage to make me laugh. Oh and the donors are all pretty great. I've spent the past month working on sticking donors and reactions, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at them (though I do have my moments). I feel like I've come a long way from my first stick when I spent 20 minutes crying in the break room. I have confidence in myself that when I stick a donor I'll do a good job. I just passed off my reactions yesterday and I start on my spes tomorrow, wish me luck! (I know, all of this is jibberish to you but I'm writing it anyways). I love getting new logs. I feel like there is so much room to grow and improve in my job which is one of the reasons why I like it so much.

My Mondays and Thursdays normally consist of school from 8-12, work from 12-8, then school again from 8-10:30, and then homework from 10:30-midnight. Lather, rinse, repeat. Then I spend the weekends catching up and normally studying for tests, and then a little fun time doing something with Blake.

I'm so thankful for my wonderful job and I'm so thankful that I'm able to go to school full time and work full time. I feel blessed to have the energy to go about my days and not get overly stressed. I know that my hard work now will pay off in the future.

Other then school and work Blake and I have kind of been hanging out in the down low. We recently bought a Honda Metropolitan Scooter, a.k.a. My Little Miss Metropolli and I love it! Although the timing with the weather is a little upsetting. We've almost 500 miles on it and have only spent $16.00 worth of gas. It's amazing!

Our May Bear is getting big bigger! and her energy levels have seize to lower. I honestly believe she'll forever be a crazy
and playful pup.
Some funny things she's been doing lately:
Blake will tell her to kennel up and she just drops to the floor and goes limp as soon as you drop your guard she'll sprint the opposite direction.
She's learned how to successfully open our patio door.
She doesn't understand the meaning of down.
She only eats her food if Blake is standing right beside her.
Whenever Blake goes fishing she makes it a point to stand between his legs.
She's not very good at staying on a kayak.
She's very skilled at taking dumps in the back of Blakes' truck while we're driving... on the freeway.
She's just an all around playful 9 month old pup.

She's still my little cuddle bug
She's as serious as pups come.
When you get mad at her, she slicks her ears back waits for you to look away and then bolts upstairs and hides for hours.
She's not afraid to leap into my arms from 10 steps up.
She's turned into May's chew toy.
Every morning she makes it a point to sit on the toilet while I get ready for work.
She can kennel up like a pro.
She turns two on Thanksgiving. So weird.
(I wonder how weird it will be when we actually have kids and they turn two).

Blake and I are going up North tomorrow and I seriously can't wait! Hopefully will hit up lots of haunted houses and get some much needed family time!

That's about all that's going on with us lately. Although life seems pretty hustle and bustle now, I'm so grateful to have Blake to help me slow and take care of me. Lately he's been doing an awesome job at bringing me breakfast before school and making sure I get dinner in my tummy before bedtime. He wipes my tears when my days seem to overwhelming and he knows exactly how to calm my nerves and settle raging seas in my life.

We might be taking it day by day, but we're taking it day by day together. 

Sleep well my friends and I hope to post again soon

Xoxo:: KAT 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

They always say after rain comes rainbow

...and if you're lucky you get two...

I don't know what it is about rainbows but I love them.

Maybe it's their ability to shine through the roughest of weathers.
Their simplicity.
Their color.
Their shere beauty.
Or maybe it's just how peaceful they make me feel.
Calm and Collected.

While driving up North to visit some family Blake and I hit some rainy weather.
I don't know what it is about the rain but it makes me sleepy, I was sleepy almost the whole ride.
It made me bummed.
I love road trips with Blake, listening to music, and singing to Bon Jovi while Blake
"plays" the maracas and I dance.
It makes for some great adventures.

This trip was different though...
No music (Broken stereo)
No dancing.
No singing.

and in the absence of all the loud and 'obnoxious' gestures came something equally as great.
...heartfelt conversations...
of the future,
and so much more.

It was so wonderful being able to talk about things so close to ones heart.
especially with one who loves that previously mentioned heart with their own fully.
and as the rain cleared up and our conversation came to an end we pulled over
to enjoy something together as simple and beautiful as a rainbow.

When we finally got to Orem we said all our 'Hellos', Blake showed off his new truck a bit and then we enjoyed some pizza and called it a night.

Our pups did SOOO good on the drive up!

 The next morning, bright and early, Blake and I hit up the lake with my Dad, and Kevin and Jill and our pups. We wakeboarded for a little bit and then Kevin and Jill took off only to be replaced with Holly, Ricky and my handsome nephews Jayden and Jax.

Maylee and Foxie both loved the boat (thanks Dad for letting us make a mess of it!)

Blake took a try at surfing and he did pretty good!
May bear made a point of watching him.
Look at those two.

Blake and I also tried surfing together...

at first it was... well hard....

We'd get up...

Only to fall again...

But then we had it all figured out...

And Blake turned on his charm...

And I brought the fire power...

And we experienced another moment with one another that will never be forgotten...

Later that night I went to my little sisters sweet 16 birthday party
with Blake, my sisters and their boys.
 I had so much fun!
Eating my Grandmas delicious Peruvian food that I have missed waaayyy to much.
Dancing my heart.
Seeing my family.
Dressing up.
and sharing many, many laughs with loved ones.

Sunday we had a wonderful dinner at my parents, meat, potatoes, veggies, french bread, all the good stuff!

As always our time there was way to short
and I couldn't help but cry as we said our goodbyes.
But we'll be back again soon.
So until then Orem, keep my heart safe.

XOXO:: Mrs. Thompson

Thursday, July 21, 2011

"What I know"

I don't know much but of all the things i do know, these are the few things that have been occupying my time.
i adore this man with all my heart
i'm missing this little boy
my best friend Becky will always be close to my heart
this picture merits "best looking couple of the year" award.period.
this kid can look at fishing stuff for hours 
this little bear is growing up toooo quick 
and her resting stance is adorable
 She's also our little water bug.
We easily own the happiest pup in the world!
Followed by the cutest nieces and nephews... 

Xoxo Kak

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Forever & Always

Blake and I went to Las Vegas a little while back to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. 
We only went for a night but I enjoyed every minute of it.
We stayed at the Excalibur Hotel

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Hope You Know How Much I Love You

"Do your best, and learn to be content. Be good and keep the Spirit. Be nice and choose happiness when things are hard. Don't worry, God loves you, and he is near. Keep your eternal perspective." -John Bytheway

The other day I was feeling a little unmotivated so I went out, bought a journal and the book I Hope You Know How Much I Love You, curled up in some jamies and got to reading and writing. 
I read and wrote all through the night and these are a few things I learned or enjoyed...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Heart is Full

“As we go to the holy house, as we remember the covenants we make therein, we will be able to bear every trial and overcome each temptation. The temple provides purpose for our lives. It brings peace to our souls—not the peace provided by men but the peace promised by the Son of God when He said, ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’” {source}

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Where has all the time gone?!

Oh I know... Biolife. It's now day four since I started my job. Today I work 11:00 to 8:00 so I thought I stop by and chat. I've been going in at 7am and staying until 3:30pm the past few days training. Training is rough guys. I'm talking 1,000+ page SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) books to read. When you first start they give you a packet with a HUGE list of SOP's that need to be read. About 25 SOP's on each page and 14 pages,  each SOP can range anywhere from 2-35 pages long. Haha the funny thing is you read all this stuff and you have absolutely NO idea what you're reading. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Did someone say Menchies??

Blake had his last ward basketball game Friday night. They had made it all the way to the championship game and lost by six points. He was kind of bummed when he got home so we decided to go out to eat and spend some time together. 
We originally planned on trying out some Panama Grill but I couldn't find the coupon so we hit up Iggys instead. 
It as awesome, we walked in to see the Jazz vs. Lakers game which just so happened to be the same place and same game playing when we  went on our first date :) (we'll I guess it's technically the second date because it was the day after our first date. but whatever lol) 
I had a BLT and Blake got a pulled pork sandwich. We were both verrryy disappointed in the food, no where near as good as the Iggy's up north. But we still had a good time with some laughs.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Relief Society Lovin'

Last night I picked up my new friend Jessica and we went to our ward Relief Society 150th Birthday party. There was a light dinner, some delicious cupcakes and then a wonderful talk on Relief Societys' Past, Present and Future.

They say stick to what you know...

I never understood the saying 'stick to what you know', I always figured that if you just sticked to what you just know, how do you learn and grow? How do you develop new skills? I never really liked the saying until a couple weeks ago. When I made this...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good News!

I finally have a few minutes to post my grreeeaaattt news... i got a new job! starting April 4th i'll be a proud employee of Biolife Plasma Center

i'll be starting as a Plasma Center Technician and i'll be training to become a phlebotomist. i am moreee than excited to start! 

Wanna hear some more good news?? Blake and I will get full Health, Vision, and Dental Benefits and they pay 80% of my college tuition.

i'll have a consistent schedule working 5:30am-2:00pm Monday-Friday one week and then 12:00-8:00pm Tuesday-Saturday the next. and so on and so forth. 

Hopefully the job isn't to good to be true! i'll let you know how it ends up being as soon as i start! 

Thanks for all your love and support!!

Xoxo:: Mrs. Thompson

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sandhollow with the babes *swoon*

On Saturday the 19th Blake and I hit up Sandhollow with Marc and Brenna to try out the fishing. We also brought the pups along so they could get out of the house. On the drive to Sandhollow we put the dogs in their kennel so they wouldn't be all over us while we were driving. 
 Lets just say they didn't like it... 
 at all...
 at all... at all... 
Foxie was literally smushing her face up against the bars, she wanted out so bad.
 But once we were out she enjoyed the wind, the water, and
exploring... she is our little explorer.
Foxie loves exploring.
We were all on the dock when I notice Foxie was missing, when we all looked up we saw her across the lake exploring the rocks solo. ha! We had a good laugh. 

Now our Mays, boy is she cute...
Maylee loves the water! The water was basically ice cold but it didn't even phase her, she loved running around and getting wet and then running in the sand and getting covered in dirt. yay me.
I can't wait until she gets bigger. This summer is going to be filled with camping adventures. 

Xoxo: Kathy T.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Last Tuesday Blake, Marc and I went to Zions National Park to get some hiking done! I had a blast! We hiked up to all three Emerald pools and the Grotto. Zions is such a beautiful place and I can't wait to do a lot more exploring when it warms up, hopefully the pups can tag along.

yup the white stuff over there is snow... the water was freezing!!

Here's a little video of the boys goofing around. I sure do have good time watching those two!

It feels good to be posting again! Stay tuned for my GREAT news! 
Mrs. Thompson