
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just an update....

I figured since it's been awhile since my last post and I finished my Lib homework early I would post a quick update. Sorry peeps, no pictures this time around.

First off... I'm finally in school! And even though it's amazingly stressful and exhausting, I'm loving every minute of it. The 20 credits I'm enrolled in consist of Math, Spanish, English, Ceramics, Photography, Lib, and Co-op. Monday-Thursday are crazy hectic days, spent with lots of school, work, school again, and then homework. Somehow between the 20 credits at school and my 38+ hours at work I'm making it out alive and well. While also maintaining a B average which is good enough for me! My favorite class so far is Ceramics, not because I am good at it, but because I'm taking it with my best friend Blake, my bro Marc, and his girly (my friend) Brenna! It's kind of my "break" class where I can just relax and not worry to much. My least favorite class is Lib. I find I'm not very good at motivating myself to get online and just do it. But I'm slowly learning to be responsible.

Work is also going really good. I feel like everyday I learn something new. Something that makes me feel good about my job and the things I am doing there. My coworkers and managers/supervisors are all awesome. It is such a fun a job. The best part about it is even when the center is unbelievably busy and slammed and I feel like I'm going to explode from work, my awesome coworkers always pull through and manage to make me laugh. Oh and the donors are all pretty great. I've spent the past month working on sticking donors and reactions, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at them (though I do have my moments). I feel like I've come a long way from my first stick when I spent 20 minutes crying in the break room. I have confidence in myself that when I stick a donor I'll do a good job. I just passed off my reactions yesterday and I start on my spes tomorrow, wish me luck! (I know, all of this is jibberish to you but I'm writing it anyways). I love getting new logs. I feel like there is so much room to grow and improve in my job which is one of the reasons why I like it so much.

My Mondays and Thursdays normally consist of school from 8-12, work from 12-8, then school again from 8-10:30, and then homework from 10:30-midnight. Lather, rinse, repeat. Then I spend the weekends catching up and normally studying for tests, and then a little fun time doing something with Blake.

I'm so thankful for my wonderful job and I'm so thankful that I'm able to go to school full time and work full time. I feel blessed to have the energy to go about my days and not get overly stressed. I know that my hard work now will pay off in the future.

Other then school and work Blake and I have kind of been hanging out in the down low. We recently bought a Honda Metropolitan Scooter, a.k.a. My Little Miss Metropolli and I love it! Although the timing with the weather is a little upsetting. We've almost 500 miles on it and have only spent $16.00 worth of gas. It's amazing!

Our May Bear is getting big bigger! and her energy levels have seize to lower. I honestly believe she'll forever be a crazy
and playful pup.
Some funny things she's been doing lately:
Blake will tell her to kennel up and she just drops to the floor and goes limp as soon as you drop your guard she'll sprint the opposite direction.
She's learned how to successfully open our patio door.
She doesn't understand the meaning of down.
She only eats her food if Blake is standing right beside her.
Whenever Blake goes fishing she makes it a point to stand between his legs.
She's not very good at staying on a kayak.
She's very skilled at taking dumps in the back of Blakes' truck while we're driving... on the freeway.
She's just an all around playful 9 month old pup.

She's still my little cuddle bug
She's as serious as pups come.
When you get mad at her, she slicks her ears back waits for you to look away and then bolts upstairs and hides for hours.
She's not afraid to leap into my arms from 10 steps up.
She's turned into May's chew toy.
Every morning she makes it a point to sit on the toilet while I get ready for work.
She can kennel up like a pro.
She turns two on Thanksgiving. So weird.
(I wonder how weird it will be when we actually have kids and they turn two).

Blake and I are going up North tomorrow and I seriously can't wait! Hopefully will hit up lots of haunted houses and get some much needed family time!

That's about all that's going on with us lately. Although life seems pretty hustle and bustle now, I'm so grateful to have Blake to help me slow and take care of me. Lately he's been doing an awesome job at bringing me breakfast before school and making sure I get dinner in my tummy before bedtime. He wipes my tears when my days seem to overwhelming and he knows exactly how to calm my nerves and settle raging seas in my life.

We might be taking it day by day, but we're taking it day by day together. 

Sleep well my friends and I hope to post again soon

Xoxo:: KAT 

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