
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Relief Society Lovin'

Last night I picked up my new friend Jessica and we went to our ward Relief Society 150th Birthday party. There was a light dinner, some delicious cupcakes and then a wonderful talk on Relief Societys' Past, Present and Future.

It's sad to say, but I've only been to Relief Society class roughly 15-20 times since I graduated High School. When I was old enough to actually leave Young Womens I moved to Saint George and started going to church with him, I never stayed for the 3rd hour because I was nervous to go. Once Blake and I got married and started going to our new ward we subbed classes and then eventually got a calling of our own. Now don't get me wrong I loved our calling, but I also loved the few times I was able to go to Relief Society and the relationships that were formed. 
Now that we moved and we have a fresh new ward with no calling I've been able to go to Relief Society! I've loved it so far and I love the women in my new ward and I love being able to go sit in class every Sunday and learn how to better myself.

During the party we had 3 speakers and a woman in our ward sang a beautiful solo. They talked about how much Relief Society women have contributed to our church and how much they continue to contribute. After the party I came home and got on LDS.org and read more about the wonderful Relief Society women of our church and these are some things that I read and liked.

The Relief Society Handbook states,
"Relief Society prepares women for the blessings of eternal life by helping them increase their faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and help those in need. Relief Society accomplishes these purposes through Sunday gospel instruction, other Relief Society meetings, visiting teaching, and welfare and compassionate service."

"The Prophet Joseph outlined the work of the Relief Society to reach out, to minister to the needs of the poor, the needy, the troubled and distressed, and to bless women.”

"The Prophet Joseph stated very succinctly that your work is “not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls.” 

Elder James E. Faust stated, I believe the four great enduring concepts of this society are: First, it is a divinely established sisterhood. Second, it is a place of learning. Third, it is an organization whose basic charter is to serve others. Its motto is “Charity never faileth.” Fourth, it is a place where women can socialize and establish eternal friendships."

Relief Society is about charity. In the Gospel Principles book it says, "The life of the Savior reflects His pure love for all people. He even gave His life for us. Charity is that pure love which our Savior Jesus Christ has. He has commanded us to love one another as He loves us. The scriptures tell us that charity comes from a pure heart. We have pure love when, from the heart, we show genuine concern and compassion for all our brothers and sisters." That to me sounds perfect. I could not imagine a better society then one based on the pure love of Christ and helping others. 

Although Charity is the main goal of Relief Society, I believe that, like Elder Faust stated above a place where women can socialize and establish eternal friendships. Through those friendships we are/follow examples. I've learned so much through the women I associate with and I'm thankful that they are all good examples in showing that pure love of Christ. 

Words cannot express how grateful I am for Relief Society and for the women in our church. I'm so grateful for all the women in my life, my Mother, my Mother in law, my grandmothers, my sisters, my aunts, and the women I have been able to meet throughout Relief Society. I have an abundance of women in my life who are strong in the church and who allow me to grow and learn off their testimonies and their strength. I'm grateful to be able to have the opportunity to lean on them when trials and hard times occur and to also share the joys and laughter of my life with. I'm so grateful for Relief Society and for the opportunity it has given me to grow and learn. Through Relief Society I have grown confidence in myself. I am a strong and confidant wife to my Husband, daughter to my parents, friend to many and most importantly daughter of my heavenly Father. He loves me and I love him very much. He has blessed me so much in this life. I know that when the time comes for me to be a mother to my own children the Lord will bless me with all the power and strength I need to provide and nurture them so that they may grow and be strong in the church and have a testimony of their own. I will be able to use my spiritual gifts that I was blessed with to better myself and better my family. Because of the strong and confidant women in my life I have learned to be strong and confidant in myself. I can't wait for my future Relief Society get togethers! They should be good :)

Thanks for listening to me rant...

Love, Sister Thompson :)

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