
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If you can stick, you can spe...

I finished my spe logs! I was really nervous to do spes at first but they ended up being totally easy! It didn't take long for me to finish them either. Was my face flushed when I did my first spe? Heck ya it was. Did my hands tremble a little? Of course. Did my spe draw come out successful? 100 percent!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my job?!
Yeah, sometimes my feet ache after an 8 hour shift and sometimes my back does as well.
Yeah, sometimes I get frustrated and badly want to clock out and try again the next day.
Yeah, I uber miss my hubby and would so rather be fishing and goofing off.
and Yeah sometimes I do think about how great it would be to just have to go to school...
but oh how I love my job!
how I find pride in my job!
how  grateful I am for my job!

"where do you work?"
"Biolife **GRIN**"

My next set of logs will be either advanced or sample prep but I won't be getting those for awhile. Which is OK with me because I have to focus a little more of my time on school and my midterm English test coming up soon *sssiiggghhh*

School is still going well, I got an A on my English paper that I worked pretty hard on, can someone say gratification? It got me excited and pretty hopeful that maybe, just maybe, I can pass this midterm coming up. I took a Spanish test today, fingers crossed I did well. And I successfully threw 2 bowls last night in ceramics. They actually don't look that bad (which isn't something I can say about my cups, blah). I go in tonight to get some help on my Math... WISH ME LUCK!

On Monday I surprisingly had the day off, I switched shifts with a coworker that I forgot about. So what better thing to do then pack up your swimming suit and hit up Vegas where your parents are just so happening to be staying for the week?? That's just what The Hubby and I did! It was such a fun and relaxing day! We swam in a saline pool, completely different then what I expected. We ate a buffet (of course). And then we spent the rest of the day "catching up" and enjoying each others company. Any time I can take with my family I'll jump at. But of course I think we all know that by now!

A couple weekends ago Blake and I went up North for the weekend and we stayed at my sisters and my grandparents house. Mick, Mands, Allan, Blake, and I hit up a few haunted houses, which was greatly enjoyed! My precious little nephew Emery was blessed. And my cousin Mike got married. Congrats Mike and Brittany!! As always time well spent. Can't wait to go back for Christmas!

Also on Saturday my friend from work Jodi and her Hubby Jesse cam over and we had a great night watching the Halloween town series, carving pumpkins and eating pizza. I should have gotten pictures but the thought didn't even cross my mind. Oh well, next time! Thanks guys for coming over! We had a great time!

That's about all I've got so far. Hopefully this upcoming week will bring some fun adventures!

Enjoy your week!
Xo: Mrs. T

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