
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thanks Mom!!!

I'm in love. Since I've been back from Orem I have been busy busy. I have a new crush, she makes me laugh, and smile, she makes me very frustrated at times and other times she makes me happy extremely happy! I'm with her all morning and all night. She is my temporary best friend (other then Blake). I wake up every morning wondering what were going to do next. Her name is Bernina and it is love!
As soon as I got home from Orem I ran to a spare bedroom and claimed it my new craft room! I set up her table and then oh.so.delicately place her in her rightful spot. After a few days and many hours of cleaning and organizing I had
my craft room! Oh how I love it! 
I love having something to keep my hands busy with! The wonderful thing about sewing is that there is SO much stuff you can make! In my case even if I don't like the finished project I'm still happy because hey, at least I finished it! So far I've only made 2 time consuming things (more on those in the next blog) but I still love them and I'm very proud of the end results. Oh how lucky I am! I'm also very lucky to have such a supportive husband. He's so awesome when it comes to me and my crafts. He doesn't complain because I spend all day in my new room OR when I decide to stay up til 6 am blasting my music working on my latest project. He always asks to see what I've made and he's always there to tell me I did an awesome job, (even when we both know I didn't lol). I love him for letting me do my own thing :). Anyways, that's my room right now hopefully I'll be able to improve on it somewhere in the upcoming near future! wouldn't that be awesome!? I'll post soon what I've made! Got to get some good pictures! Enjoy for now!
Love:: Mrs. Thompson

1 comment:

Clenece said...

Dude you are awesome!!! Now you need to teach me your skills! Way to go!

p.s. you look great in your cute new dresses!