
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sweet notes in the morning

One of my friends just recently got a whiteboard for her office and I found myself wanting one as well. Now, I already have one yes, but mine is one of those plain jane boring ones (you know with the actual white background lol) Okay, so it's not that bad but it's white. I think it looks nice above the computer but its not the best for sweet notes in the morning. I wanted a stylish one, one with a little color and all, one that would match our room. So... enter craft. Perfect. It's a little small for what I hoped for but it was the only picture frame not being used I could find in my house and it actually fits quite perfectly on the wall next to our bathroom. Blake and I use it for when one of us has work in the morning and the other doesn't. Sometimes he has to go to work at 7 and I'm just WAY to tired to get out and go eat cereal with him, so when I wake up there is always a little note for me! It was the simplest craft I've ever made :) I got a picture frame and my left over fabric from my fabric wall art project, measured out the frame, ironed my fabric and ta-da! Wonderful 'green'board that luckily matches our comforter and looks oh.so.nice. in our room to wake up to! I even left a "have fun inspecting!" note on it for when we got our inspections done, I'm sure it made someone other than me happy lol. The best part about it is, when Blake and I change the color in our room we can just easily switch the fabric out to match. Simple and sweet. Well... post soon!

Love:: Kathy Thompson


Melisa said...

That is SOOOOOOOO Cute!! I think I might just have to make one for my room!! I LOVE it!! Look at you being all crafty!! I wish I could join you in this adorable crafts!! One day! Right??

Love ya babe!!

Unknown said...

I know!! And the best part about it is there is SO many different cute fabrics and frames! When I come down for the tiki party we should just fill the time there with arts and crafts projects! I have SO many things I want to do! We shall make them all together!


Melisa said...

OKAY!!! Wait!!! You are coming down for our tiki BBQ?????? If you are you just MADE MY WEEK!!!

Unknown said...

yeah! I am! on the 9th right?! I'm thinking I'll just hitch a ride! haha Hopefully I'll be able to stay for the week or most of it!