
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The week and more

Not much has happened in the past five days. I haven't had a lot of work. Lately it's only been 2 days a week so with all the time on my hands I find myself; A] Wishing Blake was home from work B] Wishing I was in California with my family at Disneyland and on the beach C] Wanting to clean my house but finding myself getting distracted by the smallest things (like making gift bows out of magazines.) D] Trying to find a new place to live so Foxie can come home and E] Looking for a new job because the Chocolate factory just isn't my thing.
Ever sense the whole Panic Attack situation Blake just hasn't been getting better, he'll wake up and one thing that was bugging him the day before will have disappeared but some new problem has come to the surface. Yesterday it was headaches Today it's ear aches. I just wish I could make him feel better, I hate seeing him sick like this. We went to the doctors on Thursday to get him checked out, the light head-ness and the tingling arms and heavy shoulders came back while he was at work so we made an appointment to get some tests done. We went in and he got an EKG, his heart is really strong which was such a relief to know. We think that he has some sort of infection from his toe so he got some blood drawn and we'll know the results on Monday. They checked his blood pressure and blood sugar and he was all safe there. It is SO frustrating not knowing pretty much anything. I feel so lost and I have no idea how to comfort Blake.
Today he got a blessing from his Dad. During the blessing I got such a calming feeling. The gospel is SUCH a wonderful thing.
I am so thankful for his parents, they have helped us out a lot since we've been together. His Mom ALWAYS knows what to say not only to comfort Blake but to comfort me as well. While Blake and I were at their house we sat and talked for a couple hours. It's so nice being able to go over and just sit down to talk and forget all the worries of the world. They always have only kind things to say and they help us so much in life, especially when it comes to the Gospel. They are both so wise and so strong in the church. I admire them for all of the strength that they have.
Blake and I went golf course fishing again! It was pretty chilly so we didn't stay long, I caught a BIG catfish but before I could get a picture he was back in the water. Being at the golf course has brought SO many memories of last year back. Golf course fishing is one of my favorite things to do! You pretty much go to a golf course around 11:00 at night and fish in the ponds where HUGE fish are just waiting to be caught. My first time ever going was with Blake last June. We've gone with his friend Kody and his wife Cherri, my little sister Vanessa and he took Landon and Jace one time. It's fun being able to share "secret" activities with friends, it makes it more enjoyable. Although, going alone with Blake will always be the best; especially because I can do dumb things like scream, pick up my blanket and backpack and run half a mile because a sprinkler just so happened to turn on RIGHT next to me and not be judged haha. I will never get sick of Golf course fishing and I hope one day to we'll be able to take our kids to teach them the one and only "bad habit" that will be allowed :)
A couple nights ago
Blakes' best friend Kody and his wife Cherri
Blakes HUGE catfish!! I was a proud wife that moment :) haha
My first time golf course fishing haha I couldn't get my fishy to stay still for the picture!
My little sister kicking butt! she got SO many fish and she looked oh.so.cute fishing too!
We're just cool like that!
Last year was our first official "fishing" year. Blake and i went fishing so much it was insane. this year will be even better because we finally have a motor on our boat which means NO.MORE .ROWING! My life is complete! Hopefully we'll be able to get out there a lot this summer and camp a bunch more. It's one of my favorite things to do!
Other then the doctors and work and fishing that is pretty much all that we have done this week. Hopefully next week will be more eventful, if not... I'll be okay with that! Oh yeah! I also cut my hair this week to, well, my good friend Chandis did. I love it! It's definitely something to get used to, but as of now I'm not to sad all my hair was chopped haha. Anyways that's all that's going on in the Thompson family! I hope to post again soon with some more fun stuff!
Lots of love. Thanks for reading!
P.s. Happy birthday to my wonderful Daddy! and my beautiful sister in law Clenece!
P.s.s. My Grandad is going in for back surgery on the first of July. So... if you could all keep him in your prayers I would GREATLY appreciate that! Thank you very much!


Anonymous said...

Great post! Please don`t tell me you ate that huge catfish! ewww. You have a good friend Chandis?? I have only heard of one other Chandis besides my daughter ;)
Oh and btw I really want to make the fabric art you posted about a while back, if you decide to do it and don`t mind company, holler ;)

Unknown said...

Haha oh no way!! I do not like fish! Blake doesn't either.yuck. haha we just catch them, pose for a picture, then toss them back in! the.end.
I actually REALLY love the name Chandis, I wish my parents were that creative haha.
The ones with the frames?! I do too! I would love to make some 12'x12' and 6'x6' brown and blue ones for my room! Send me your number through a message on facebook and I'll give you a call, that way if I mess up I'm not the only one with a ruined craft! haha things are WAY more enjoyable when you're not doing it alone :)