
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day Love

As you all know, Yesterday was Father's Day. Well, me being in Saint George and my Dad being in California with my Mom, didn't leave much for a celebration. Last Father's Day I was also away from my Dad visiting Blake for the week. Oh how time seems to fly. Like every Father's Day you set aside the time to appreciate all the wonderful things, Dad. This year was great, for not only do I have my Dad Larry and my Dad Jose, but I also have my Dad Scott now! So here is a little post on why I love my Dads SO much. 1: My Step Dad Jose,

although he hasn't been in my life for to long he's still been in my life. He is an amazing guy and an equally as great Father. I met Jose when I was about 15 years old or so. My Mom took my sisters and I to California to meet him. I remember how much I instantly loved him. That weekend we went to Sea World and we went shopping and we did a lot of other fun things. He tried SO hard to make sure we were having so much fun. From the very beginning Jose has always been there for me. He's my teddy bear :) He has always been such a sweet guy and he cares for us girls so much. I'm very glad that not only is he in my life but that I can also call him Dad.

2: My Father-In-Law Scott,

almost 3 months ago I obtained a new set of parents. Wonderful parents. Scott and Lynell are amazing. Scott is such an awesome guy. From the very beginning he has always been awesome. He has such a sweet heart. Over the past year I have been able to get to know him a lot. He has SO much love for his children and his family. If Blake loves our children with just a fraction of love his Dad has for his children then that would be just fine! Since I've met Scott I have never heard him say anything hurtful to another person or talk anything bad about another person. He is so funny and he's filled with laughter! Whenever anyone needs anything he's always the first to offer a helping hand and just being around him can lift anyones spirits. He is such a blessing in my life and I am such a lucky girl to have him as my Father-in-Law! All you other married ladies out there should be jealous ;) 3: Lastly but not least, My Dad. My wonderful Dad. All of my life my Dad has always been there for me. He has never given up on me, not once. Even when I was rude to him and I selfishly slam doors and pushed him out of my life, he was always there to wipe me tears. Here are a few things why my Dad is so great and a few things we used to do together and a few reasons why I love him.

  • When life was rough and I felt like no one would listen to me and I didn't matter to anyone my Dad was always there to pick me up in his arms and tell me how important I was to him and how that was all that mattered.
  • He would let me drench his shirt with my tears when I thought the world was gonna fall apart and not say a thing about it.
  • He's always accepted me as I am, but he has also always known my potential.
  • Whenever there was something special going on in my life he was always there to share it with me.
  • Every Wednesday during the winter he would take me night skiing, sometimes just him and I. No matter what I did (even if I just successfully went of a tiny bump and wiped out) he would look at me and tell me I was doing awesome, I could tell from his tone of voice that he meant it every time.
  • His love for me was never secret- and he was always proud to demonstrate it to the world
  • When I call him my spirits lift when he answers.
  • He always kept my secrets.
  • He taught me how to snow ski, water ski, wakeboard, wakeskate, ride dirt bikes, drive a car and so much more!!
  • He was always willing to talk to me about the troubles I was having with my siblings and he always calmly explained that we all "grow out of it."
  • Wherever he is, he always takes the time to make sure I am OK.
  • When I was in big fights with my sisters growing up, he always told me that when I was older they'd be my best friends (calming the storms.) He was right.
  • His approval was always worth srtiving for.
  • All our family trips to California and Lake Powell
  • He once told me that "10 'adda-boys' could be forgotten by 1 'opps-a-daisy'. I have taken that to heart and it has made me a better person.
  • He taught me to walk and he guided my first steps
  • He taught me about the gospel and he taught me how to appreciate it and how important it is.
  • I love him for all of the hard work and effort he put into our millions of family nights (along side my Mom) like murder in the dark, night games, root beer floats and movie nights, visits to the parks and bridal veil falls, go kart racing, laser tagging, arcades, and many many more activites.
  • He's always filled with something clever to say.
  • He loves ALL his kids no matter how bad we hurt him.
  • Whenever I got in trouble he would come and sit on my bed with me and patiently tell me why I was there.
  • He taught me to be a loyal friend by being loyal to me.
  • I can always count on my Dad to do the honarable thing.
  • He told me how it was.
  • Whenever I would go downstairs in the middle of the night to have a bowl of ice cream or cereal I could always find my Dad down there with a glass of sugar free root beer floats (my favorite) and he always offered one to me.
  • One time we went to Hawaii and my Dad taught me how to surf. He spent most of the day pushing my surf board when a big wave came because my skinny arms were to weak to paddle me very far.
  • One time we went skiing and he was recording me and I tripped on one of his skis and had a HUGE yard sale, after he collected all my gear we sat there in the snow and just laughed and laughed and laughed.
  • Every night before I went to bed I would go to my parents room to say good night and we'd all end up talking and laughing until 2 or 3 in the morning.
  • My Dad was always willing to help me out with school anyway he could.
  • When graduation time was running close and I didn't think I could do it he was one of my biggest motiviations. Trying to make him proud has gotten me far in my goals.
  • Because of my Dad and the similarities I see between him and Blake, I KNOW that Blake will be not only a good Husband but a great Father as well.
  • My Dad is just AWESOME!!
  • He was one of my BEST FRIENDS for my whole life! Especially these last couple of years.

Now those are just a FEW. I could go on and on and on. I love my Dad SOO much! I am so grateful to have in my life. He brings so much laughter and joy and I know that he is always just a phone call away. I'm so glad the relationship between my Dad and I is SO strong, I hope it always stays that way. Today and everyday I am glad to be able to call my Dad... MY Dad. He will forever hold a special part in my heart. I love you Daddy.

Such a lucky girl I am!! Happy belated Fathers Day
Will post again soon! Lots of love:: Kathy Thompson!!!


Clenece said...

We do have the BEST Father-in-law EVER!!!!! Sweet post!

Gage said...

KATHY! So i download "airplanes" and as I listen to it. I can only think of you and your blog. Awesome!

Unknown said...

Clenece- I concur! We are some lucky little girls!!

Gillings!- It is a great song! Stay tuned for my new playlist, it's got some good ones too :) You're amazing!