This picture was taken in California at the Coronado Beach. Such a pretty place I wouldn't mind living there!
- **a letter to someone who has hurt you recently**
You most likely don't read my blog which is understandable. So writing some long drawn out letter to you would be pretty pointless. So all I'm going to say our a few things. First, I forgive you. It has taken me a long time to become the person I am today. Before I don't think I would have ever been able to say that, but I have a strong Husband and a very supporting family. They have taught me that I need to forgive 70x7. Second, It's sad to say but my life is much more bright and happier without your dark shadow hovering above me. Third, I will always be there for you if you need me. But for now to spare me and my Husband any more heartache I will be distancing myself from you until you have the decency to treat me and my loved ones with respect. Lastly, I love you and I always will. You hold a very important part in my heart and I am grateful for all the happy moments we have been able to share. I hope you watch after yourself and take care. Be safe and know that you are loved by me. You are always in my prayers.
Day 14 — what I would find in your bag
My planner, my cell phone, LOTS of change, spare dollars, receipts, receipts, receipts, silica beads :s, random papers, gum, gum, chapstick and my camera. Lots I know!
Day 15 — Your favorite song
Currently my favorite song is Lead Me by Sanctus Real or Everything you do :)
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
You Wouldn't Cry (Andrews Song) by Mandisa. A recent lady in my ward just lost her baby. I bought this song to and gave it to her. Every time I listen to this song I bawl my heart out and my heart swells. I'm so grateful to know there is a life after this. Pure happiness.
- **songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad**
Day 17 — put you ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
1: Blame It On The Rain by He Is We
2: To Love And Back by This Century
3: Long Live by Taylor Swift
4: Whatever You're Doing (Something Heavenly) by Sanctus Real
5: In My Head by Jason Derulo
6: The Sun Shines On Everything by Jason Reeves
7: Set The World On Fire by Brit Nicole
8: Hopeful Romantic by This Century
9: King Of Anything by Sara Bareilles
10: Hope Now by Addison Road
Day 18 — plans/dreams/goals you have
-My Number one goal right now is to get sealed to my Husband for time and all eternity. Roughly 112 more days! Every morning I wake up and thats the first thing to go throw my mind. I will be blissfully happy on that day!
-Go to college and get a degree in photography and childhood education
-Be some sorts of good at my job(s) lol
-Eventually buy a house, just a little one (where the walls can be painted lol)
-Have a little family
-Watch my children grow up, with Blake by my side and make sure my children outgrow me!
-Always stand strong in the gospel
Day 19 — nicknames you have and why you have them
Oh wow! um..
Katanga: My Dad has called me that for I don't know how long. I love it.
Sister Sue and Lieutenant Kathy Bigger and most recent Love Button: My Mom calls me that :)
Flaka: My Mom Reynas side of the family calls me that because I'm skinny.
Kak: My sisters call me that
Krack: Heh, clueless there
Cornstalk: Tim used to call me that cause I guess it's cool lol
Babe: Blake calls me that because I'm his babe. Nuff Said! lol
Day 20 — another picture of yourself
Day 21 — A recipe
Anything that comes out of a book works pretty great! lol I'm still no master at cooking :s although I am learning slowly with my cooking book that Gran gave me. When I master a recipe, I'll put it up! How's that sound??
- **Something you're proud of in the past few days** Yeah it's technically my homepage. I check craigslist all the time. Especially the free section! I've gotten some awesome stuff from that site my tables in my craft room, my blue dressers, my rocking chair, my papasan chairs, and quite a bit more. It's nice being able to decorate my house for little to practically nothing and still love the turn out! Hopefully the good finds don't end there!
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Hahahahahaha!! Okay! can I just tell you how much I LOVE these commercials!? Soooo Great! You want to know why I like them so much? Because A: they are hilarious! and B:
Nuff said! Ok, you might not be able to see it in this picture but I have a million other ones like these. He's always in the corner of some picture or in the background with a sasquatch look. What can I say?... he has my heart! haha
- **what makes you different from everyone else**
mmmm... Frosted Flakes, it's an addiction! Along that line any kind of fruit, and juice. I'm a sucker for juice.
- **why are you doing this 30 day challenge**
Um... well today wasn't very eventful. Seriously. I woke up around 5:45 went to the bank with Blake and cleaned. Came home and spent some hours cuddling with Blake then said goodbye to him so he could go to his doctors appointment. While he was gone I did some decorating while I watched a Christmas show. Did some cleaning, did some dishes, did some laundry, etc. Got ready for my day. Talked to some friends from high school which was great. Watched Haley and Ali for a couple of hours, talked to Blake on the phone, did some online Christmas shopping for him. Gave our very lively tree some water, now I am blogging and then it will be bed. perfect.
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail.
eek! I don't even remember!
29: Drove home from Orem and loved saying Hello to my Husband! Spent some time with him.
30: Woke up at 5:30 went to the bank and cleaned, came home, cleaned, decorated!
1: Woke up at 5:30 went to the bank and cleaned, went home and relaxed, went to work at Pelican Hills cleaning, Blake picked me up and surprised me with some delicious Hot Chocolate, we went and got our tree, got stuck, got unstuck x3, went and bought decorations, got home and spent the night decorating our tree together while we listened to wonderful Christmas music!
2: Woke up at 5:30 went to the bank and cleaned, worked on a gift for a baby shower, went to work nannying, came home and worked on the gift some more, cleaned, and hung out with Blake.
3: Woke up at 5:30 went to the bank and cleaned, hung out with Blake, baby sat, the end.
4: Woke up at 5:30 went to the bank and cleaned, came home, worked on the gift some more, wrapped it, got ready and headed to a friends baby shower (which was greatly enjoyed), hung out with Holly, babysat, went to the Dickens festival with Blake, went home, relaxed, movie, bed.
5: Woke up, went to church, came home, rested with the husband!
6: Today was stated above, no need to repeat myself.
I'm sure I skipped SO much but oh well
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
nope... not gonna happen. Sorry.
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
nope... not gonna happen. Sorry.
I'll make a separate post about that later.
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Get sealed! Hopefully buy a house, get my fox back, start school, get a raise, visit family :) and be happy!
Day 30 — in this past month, what have you learned
Oh man, I have learned SO much in the past month. I have learned a lot of patience. My Husband will always love me no matter how rude, short tempered, emotional and unfair I am being. I have learned to be extremely grateful for Blakes patience for me. As long as I am grateful for what I have I'll be truly happy. Curbs are not nice when you run into them :s My family is a true blessing all of them, I've learned that the Lord has blessed me with great sister in laws, Clenece, Thank you! You have no idea how much I appreciated having that talk with you!!! The saying "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise" is true! Who would have thought?? Nursery is a blast but it sure wears you out. Going to bed with a heater on makes me wake up with a really really sore throat. $10 awesome winter boots on black friday make my feet happy! Christmas music is the best! breakfast is great any time of day. And good friends will always be there. (Thank you Becky and Holly, you two are awesome and I'm glad to have met you and have the opportunity to get to know you both so well!) No matter how sad I am Blake is always there to pick up my pieces and make me happy again. Prayer never fails. The Lord will never quit on me.
Well! I did it! and if you made it all the way to the end... I salute you! Now I seriously need some good shut eye!! Will post again soon!! Good night!
Xoxo ALWAYS:: Mrs. Thompson!!
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