
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Life Is A Treat

Guess what Blake and I have been doing this past week?? Thrift store/antique shopping! That's right! We got some pretty awesome stuff!! Here, let me list them

First stop...D.I. we got a really cool huge mirror for 15 dollars and a giant lamp for 8 bucks! The mirror was not very attractive, and so... Blake and I are fixing it up, out with the brown paint and in with the ivory. So far it's lookin good! Our lamp doesn't have a spot in our house just yet but don't you worry your little heart, I will find a spot! Right now it's sitting on my side table by my bed because I just like it so much. Such a beauty!
Along with the lamp and the mirror we got a shelf to hold our keys and our mail. Which Blake also turned from brown to ivory, with a little hint of green, which I'll add myself later on. The shelf we got for only 2 dollars!
Oh I love awesome deals! But the fun doesn't stop there! Last week I was surfing through craigslist, and I found these wonderful tables. FOR FREE!
The table splits in half so I can either have one round one or two. I like the stacked looked but I'm not sure yet. They need to be re painted hopefully a pink or a blue? We'll see. Can't complain, they were free!

Speaking of free, let me finally introduce you to my rocking chair that Blake and I picked up for free a few months back!
Perfect right?! I found her on craigslist and Blake and I went and picked her up! She's been awesome in the summer! Blake and I have spent many of nights on her sipping smoothies and reading books. Hope she sticks around a few more years!

Next on the list... New Dressers!
Do you just love these!! Blake and I got them for my craft room along with this black shelf
Both for $15!  Can you say steal? My dressers are already filled with fabrics and patterns! I love how nicely my craft room is coming along!
I also love spending hours and hours in there feeling fabrics, listening to music, organizing, etc. I only wish I had a tv and xbox in there also so Blake would want to hang out with me haha. 

Anyways... next and last on the list of new treats is my favorite! 
My little Remmy! I got a Remington typewriter!! Blake and I have been looking for a typewriter for a few months now. We looked at D.I., some thrift stores and a bunch of antique stores. We found quite a few but they all cost a pretty penny $60 and up. Money I just couldn't bring myself to spend,even when my wonderful husband said I could :) [[Sweetheart]]. Eventually I just stopped looking. I gave up. Well, the other day after work I was driving on the boulevard when a sign caught my eye. An antique store. One blake and I hadn't been to yet, so I pulled up, parked, and went inside. While I was just wondering around and admiring all the wonderful things around me,  I looked down to see my wonderful Remmy! There he was in all his glory. When I read the price tag and found out how cheap he was I went and picked up Blake and we went back to RnBs and bought him! 
I've already written multiple letters, cards and I even use him to write my own personal journal! (He even types on envelops! Brenna... Don't say a word lol) I can't believe I finally have a typewriter. He makes me SO SO SO happy. I love listening to the sound of the keys, and the little *ding* sound he makes at the end of the page. Everything my little Remmy is and does fills me with joy! Oh joy!!
It's pretty awesome that all of my wonderful new treats cost us less then $40!! I love finding great deals!
Well folks, that's all for now! I'm off to get some yummy DQ with my husband! be jealous lol. Will write soon with pictures of my NEW DRESS!! So exciting! 

Love:: Kak :)

P.s. Happy Birthday Yesterday Gran!!


Melisa said...

You have so much cute stuff!!! It's all soooo fun!! Way to be crafty!

OH! I saw that letter to us! You better mail it now!! :) I can't wait to get it!!

love you!


Unknown said...

haha Melissa! It's craigslist! No joke! You should seriously check the free section everyday because sometimes you'll find a dusty diamond in the sawdust!

Haha do you like how I blurred out your address!? Don't worry, I'm more clever then I look :) I will! It's pretty cool too, won't lie!

love you too!

Melisa said...

I will have to check it out... I just don't really have the patience though! haha but I seriously LOVE the shelf you got for your keys! It is super cute!!! I may just have to steal it when I come visit?! haha jk jk. Love ya!

Clenece said...

great finds!!