
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's about time...

Okay, Okay so I know this is long long over due but my sweet sweet Husband finally helped me out and took some pictures!! (I think it was because since it was fast Sunday he only did it to keep his mind off his grumbling tummy lol.) Amber, Clenece and Gigi this is for you haha.

So here is the story and then there will be pictures. When I got my sewing machine all I wanted to do was sew but I didn't have anything to sew so Blake took me out and I got a pattern for a dress! I got the pattern on Saturday  and got home and just  cut and cut and sewed and sewed. ((I personally think patterns should come pre-cut, that way you don't have to cut the pattern and then the fabric. It makes my hand cramp up haha.)) After I finally got everything cut out I started to sew. Since this is pretty much my first time really sewing it took me a LONG time to finish my dress haha I started around 9:30 and didn't finish until around 6 Sunday morning. I was committed to getting my dress done. After I finished i went and woke up the husband and tried it on for him! He approved and I wore it to church 5 hours later haha. So without further ado... the dress...

In the end (though I messed up on the lining) I really liked the dress. It fits me good and it's very comfortable. The only thing I don't like is how low the neck  goes in the back. I feel like it shows off too much skin and makes me feel naked lol Oh well, you get what you get. All together though since I already had the fabric from my Mom the dress only cost my the price of the pattern. 3.44$ Sweet! And I think I'll also wear it more than once (even better!)

Moving on... my skirts! I've made 3 skirts so far and I'm in the process of making another one. I love these skirts! They're so easy and quick to make and they're cute and fun! They're shirred which a lot of people think shirring is hard but it's actually EXTREMELY  easy! here are some pictures!
This is my new favorite skirt of mine, it's got deep pockets in the front that holds about anything and the fabric is ultra soft. I'm pretty sure if it was socially acceptable to wear one outfit everyday and not be judged, I would wear this skirt haha it's love! I got the fabric 5 bucks a bolt, each bolt has 5 yards so I basically made this skirt for $2. That's including the fabric and the elastic thread. SO cheap!
I even made matching hair bows for each of the skirts! I love them as well!
Now, the orange skirt, it's the same as the one above only I didn't have the patience to put on the pockets so this one is pocketless. maybe that will change, maybe it won't... I don't know just yet!
these are the only pictures you get because my skirt was really wrinkled and all the other ones look funny. haha sorrryyy....!
and lastly my FAVORITE!!
yupp, that's right. I made one for Mckenna and she looks SO cute in it!
I made it similar to mine only she didn't want any pockets and because I love her SO SO much(!) I hemmed the bottom of the skirt with hearts. I think it adds a more personal touch.
She got a little matching hair bow as well. I loved making her a skirt and I loved even more seeing her wear it! I'm now in the process of making a little skirt for Ashyln and so far I LOVE it!! It is SO tiny! Literally only 5 inches long! (mine was 18 inches for something to compare it to) haha I love it!! 
Well, that's all I've made so far Folks! Hopefully I'll be able to come up with a few more things to make, I'm thinking maybe I'll tackle a shirt next? Ya?? I don't know, we'll see! 
Here are a few more random pictures to bring this post to an end. Blake got carried away telling me where to go and what to stand by haha They turned out pretty cool though! Peace!!

(the last one I took, I like it :))
Well thats all for now! Will post more soon!!
Love:: Kathy T!


Davis Family said...

WOW!!! I am seriously so dang impressed!! Those really look great!!! You would never even know that was the very first dress you ever made. You are amazing. I am so impressed and jealous actually at how easy sewing is for you. You are amazing and my new sewing hero. :) I love Kenna's skirt and love the heart seam. How did you do that one?? I love how Kenna is posing too. She is so funny. :) Thanks for sharing. You need to make my little Brookie one now!! :) Can't wait to see you guys in a week.

Unknown said...

Haha Thanks!! I got lucky with the pattern for my dress, all I had to do was cut it out and then sew straight lines! Except for the sleeves lol those were hard haha. The heart seam on the bottom of Mckennas skirt is a stitch that comes programmed into my sewing machine, it also has stars haha! Oh I know, in almost every picture I take Mckenna is posing! I think it's so cute!

I'd LOVE to make Brookie one!! All I need to know is how long you want it and her waist measurements, and then I'll sew it all up and have it ALMOST ready for her to wear when you get here! I can't finish it unless she tries it on or it will end up either way to big or way to small like Mckennas did at first. But after she tries it on I can finish it within five minutes. I seriously made Ashlyns skirt in like 20 minutes cause they're so easy and hers didn't need very many shirring rows. So Brooklyns won't be hard either! Just text me her measurements and I'll get it done, no problem!!

Can't wait to see you guys too!! SERIOUSLY... CAN'T WAIT!!! Love you girl!!

P.s. sorry for the novel of a comment haha

Gage said...

Kathy, that is seriously amazing! They look professional.

Lisa said...

Wow Wow the best thing a mom could ever do is send her daughter that has sooo many talents a SEWING MACHINE enjoy baby girl you ROCK just seeing you're sweet face remind's me how much I miss you you keep that sewing machine if you promise to make me some thing's like a 4th of July quilt or a skirt or something like that :) love you so Berry much my Katanga girl sooo sooo proud of you LOVE MOM

Lynell said...

I knew Amber would be impressed! So glad you posted. I know I WAS very impressed with your first efforts. I would/could never have done so well. Way to go Kathy. You're AMAZING!!!
By the way, I really like orange on you. You look good in everything here, but the orange skirt is awesome :)

Clenece said...

LOVE IT!! I love all the model pictures!! You are super cute and SUPER talented!! I am glad you FINALLY posted pictures! Miss ya!

Unknown said...

Thanks Gillings! I just found out you had a blog and I watch it like a hawk! haha all your kids are SOO cute!

Mom:!! Would you like a 4th of July quilt for Christmas? haha I can TRY to make one but I can't make any promises haha All I can say is don't look for anything to impressive haha I LOVE YOU TOO!! It was awesome talking to you on the phone tonight!!!

Lynell: Thanks!! I'm so glad I know I can just trot on over to your house whenever I having sewing conflicts arise! I want to start making a quilt soon so expect me knocking at your door ;)

Clenece!!:: lol I TOLD you i would!! haha now all you need to do is get your butt and cute little kids back home! And Lynell is right, we need to start some serious craft nights. I have all these ideas in my head that are just waiting to come out! four words. get.home.now.thanks!
love you!!