
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Monday, April 26, 2010

sleep {[sLeeP]} SLEEP!!

Now I know I should be sleeping right now and I wish I was, but my eyes just won't seem to keep close. I figured blogging would keep me occupied and hopefully I drift off before I get this blog posted because I do have work in 7 hours :s ugh. Lately my mind has been hooked on 'arts and crafts' projects. Whenever I have spare time I find myself online looking for things I can do that not only improves our house but is inexpensive and unique. I've found SO many things that I would love to do but a majority of the projects I don't have some of the necessary items. I.e. a sewing machine, a staple gun, glue, fabric, felt, bins, paper (construction, cardboard, scrapbooking) wood (lol) etc. Truth be told, when it comes down to it, I pretty much don't have anything lol with the exception of a few markers and crayons. There's one project though I've been DYING to try! It's called fabric panel wall art, after talking about it non-stop I think Blake got annoyed because he said we could go out and pick up the stuff to make them :) you can't even begin to believe how ecstatic I was! Here are some pictures :)
I figures since they're made out of fabric the possiblities and patterns are endless! I just have to keep reminding myself that I don't need to make a billion because eventually i'm gonna run out of places to put them. I guess I could make them as gifts; birthday, mothers day, Christmas. But before I get carried away I should probably see how the first one goes huh?? I figured eventually when I can sew kind of legitly I can make some matching pillows to go with my wall art kind of like this
And maybe for a little bit more of a sophisticated look I could frame what I made.
Or add some texture to it.
Ahhh! There are so many things I could do! I just need to pick. I already know how to do it all I just need to calm myself down and take it one step at a time! I'm really excited to do this project because when I'm all done I can call it my own and say that I made it. I'm excited to make some for our family room. There are SO many pictures of Blake and I that I'd like to dial it down a bit and do something a little bit more suttle and not so... Us. Haha I'm thrilled to go to the fabric store and find some fabric with character. I've recently picked up knitting again and as much as I love doing that, it bores me quick. So hopefully something like making wall art will keep me a little more entertained :) anyways! I'll post more about it later IF I decided to follow through with this little diy project! Thanks for reading! Hope to post again soon! Love:: Kathy THOMPSON!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you would like quick and easy instructions to making the fabric panel wall art just let me know and I'll send you a link :)