
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Official house wife

UPDATE!: So thursday after my last blog was posted Mick and Amanda showed up at my house :) unfortunatly Blake got a phone call and couldn't go to Vegas because he had to work :( so I packed up Foxies stuff and mine and we headed to Vegas! Woot woot! Although we only spent one night it was still a blast! We did some shopping, watched some shows, and we even went to the wax museum! (post pictures asap) After today I can honestly say there is nothing better then going to bed knowing when you wake up there is absolutly nothing you have to do or clean. That, everyone is how I am gonna feel tonight, after I get ice cream with Blake that is. Lysol baby: Throughout my years growing up and doing chores, I have always been a Lysol baby, thanks to my Mom. Everything was cleaned with Lysol. So becoming a house wife and acquiring a place of my own I naturally went out and bought some Lysol :) Well... Now to the point of this paragraph, for a wedding gift Blake and I got this amazing basket (thanks Nick & Clenece!) filled with EVERYTHING a house should have! Oh I loved it! ANYWAYS!... Inside our basket was this scrubbing bubbles foam bathroom cleaner....
Oh my! Can I just tell you how much I love this stuff! I just sprayed it on, let it sit, rinsed it off and walaa!! A sparkling clean shower! My life seriously got that much easier!
Well, since you know about our clean bathroom let me tell you what else I cleaned! Our kitchen, washed all the dishes, SCRUBED our kitchen floor, did 8 loads of laundry, and cleaned and vacuumed our room, talk about one busy day! I was so excited for Blake to come home and see our house! Ahh... The life of a house wife and the things that make us happy! All I can say is Blake sure was happy when he came home!! My life is great! :) Along with cleaning my house I got handy and I picked up a tool and I put together our louve space saver lol a.k.a.
Shelf thingy that goes above our toilet haha I put it together all by myself!! Talk about being proud! And now you get to see my bajillion pictures I took because that's how proud I am haha
Haha I was so happy to have it finally set up that the moment it was done... I stocked it! Haha anyways now it's time for din din and some CSI with Blake! Thanks for reading! Hope to post again soon! Love:: Kathy THOMPSON!!!


Clenece said...

Look at you go girl! I love your shower curtain! Glad you liked the gifts!

Unknown said...

Haha Clenece, I stocked it with mostly stuff from the present you gave us! The bandaids were used instantly by the way, my toes had a tragic accident! Lol my shower curtain was 4 bucks at big lots! Ahhh love that store!!