
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Friday, May 14, 2010

The lovely little lady and her life story...

Woah! has it been awhile since I last blogged?! I think so!
Let me tell you a story...
Once upon a time this love little lady got on her blog and started writing a post on her iPhone. She spent minutes and minutes, and hours and hours coming up with the most clever things and the most quirkiest paragraphs. She wrote and wrote all about her adventures and her crafts and right when she was about to post her blog her phone... DIED! dead. drained. deleted. the blog.was.no.more. So the little lady was greatly disappointed, depressed and exhausted. So she plugged her phone into the charger and DELETED the blogging app. gone. And then decided that she was no longer going to blog. The end.
True Story.
Now let me tell you another story about that same little lady.
Once upon a time this lovely little lady decided that she didn't like NOT blogging so she got on the computer and is writing a post. The end.
True Story.
Now I am not sure if you know this or not BUUUUUUT. That little lady is me. Yes it is true. rumors are true. It is me. (Don't judge me.) So here I am and I am going to hopefully write a great huge long blog because I have SO much to say! Kind of.
Hmmm... So, I"m married! Not sure if all of you knew that or not ;) haha just kidding! My birthday is in 21 days :) I'm really looking forward to that! ALSO... The Bagley family reunion is in 22 days pretty cool. I found out today that Blakes great grandmothers birthday is September 19th which just so happens to be Blakes birthday :) and his great grandfathers birthday is on June 4th which just so happens to be MY birthday!! So I kind of took it as a little hint that Blake and I are SUPPOSED to be together because, well, we share the exact same birthdays as his great grandparents and that is just awesome! and a little bit weird! Either way I am pretty stoked about it!!
Yess... I still work at the Chocolate Factory :/ Don't get me wrong... Chocolate is great! but everyday... seriously? Good thing they just barely added delicious Blue Bunny ice cream or I don't think I would've last much longer! (I guess the unlimited Frazils kind of sweeten up the deal as well ;)) When I first started working there, if they asked if they could pay me with chocolate I would've been all, "Pay me with chocolate?! ALRIGHT! I'll hop on that band wagoon!" but today... "Pay me with chocolate??" *barf* I am SICK of chocolate! I'm to the point where I go to work and I don't even eat a piece, the WHOLE six hours I'm there! Not ONE piece! Now that is self control tehehe. Hopefully though some more exciting job will come around the corner or I'm gonna have to start poppin out kids just as an excuse to not have to work there anymore!! (Melissa... Amanda.... Don't get your hopes up.)
Blake is obsessed with fishing. If the weather weren't so windy lately my arms would have been fallen off from all the rowing he would be having me do! Thank goodness I got a little break. I have a feeling I'm gonna have to start workin' my arms out so I'll be prepared for this upcoming fishing season! Have I mentioned yet how lucky I am to have him not only in my life but as my HUSBAND!? If not. let me just say it now and get it out of my system...
good. That felt good. The past month and a half have been great. I feel like Blake and I have grown SO close! I love being able to learn the little nooks and crannies that make up what is, Blake. You know the little things like... Waking up to find his gum on the bed post :) Delight. Or, walking into the kitchen to find not one but, TEN bowls that used to be occupied with cereal. I did this little experiment to see how long after we ran out of bowls would Blake go until he finally washed one, WELL... I walked into the kitchen the other day not to find clean dishes but, to find Tupperware that used to be occupied by Blakes' choice of cereal for that morning. I can't help but smile and love the genius behind all this! He truly is one in a million :) once again... LUCKIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD!!
Frustration is on the rise as I try to export the 500 and something pictures off of my phone so I can show all the world what I have been up to, well not all the world but all my loved ones. BUT pictures aren't exporting leaving me once again one devastated little lady.
Update on the Fox. She is still sadly in Orem. I miss her terribly. She is getting SO big SO fast that I feel like I am missing out. Hopefully though Blake and I will be moving in the middle of June to a place where we can bring her home and continue our happy little family. I just have to say how grateful I am to have my sisters who are lovingly taking care of her because without them we might not have our little girl. THANK YOU!
Well guys!... It looks like you wont be viewing any pictures in this blog because my phone is LAAAMMMEEEOOO!
OH BUT... I can show you pictures that I uploaded that I took with my Beautiful and amazing Diana F+ camera that my wonderful husband got me as my wedding gift! Now keep in mind that this camera is a film camera. Meaning it's not digital. It takes 120 film and 35mm film. These pictures are taken with 35mm film and it is my first role so judge easy. I was a good girl so Blake spent the day driving me all around Zions to take pictures :) hehehehe
Well, that is all I have to write for this post. The time is getting late. midnight. and my Hubby is ready for bed. So I am going to leave you with what is written. Ponder. Think about how cool my blogs truly are. and then comment. Talk to me. I am, nothing but, I lonely blogger. Hope to hear from you soon!
Lots of love.
Thanks for reading! Hope to post again soon! Love:: Kathy THOMPSON!!!
P.s. Mom when you read this, go grab Dad and show him my pictures. Because, I am sure he will appreciate them the most because they are... truly... nothing but 'art' :p

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