
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Camping bash!

HELLO!! Alright so right about now I'm waiting for my oh so handsome husband to come home from work so we can hit up Vegas with Micky and Amanda D! I figured while I waited though I could update my blog! I don't quite remember when my past post was, I think a little after Easter-ish... Maybe ?? Haha anyways here are some pictures from Easter!...
I feel like March and April have been the craziest months of the year!! Lots has happened! On April 10th Gran and Grandad held a bridal shower for Blake and I. It was pretty awesome! It was for Blakes family that couldn't make it to Orem which I thought was way sweet! My parents went to Vegas on Wednesday and came to Saint George on Friday. Like always they stayed at our place :) love. Saturday morning the boys (Hubby & Father) wen. To the gym to play thier usual basketball games and my Mom and I hit the stores! We went to Tai Pan Trading and got some really cute inexpensive stuff which I loved! We also went to Costco so I could get some much needed laundry detergent! (I don't know why but since I've been married I've had the sudden urge to do lots of laundry :s lol). Once the boys were all washed up and we were done shopping we headed over to Gran and Grandads to party! The turn out was great! And it's always fun spending time with family! No matter how 'new' they are ;) We ate some yummy food and then we played a game that Lynell put together called spouse-ology! All the wives had to go inside and the husband had to answer questions, I.e. What is your wides favorite band? What is your favorite food? Etc... The wives then came out and sat in front of their husbands and had to answer the same questions. If their answer matched their spouses answer then they get a point! If that makes sense?? Haha and then vise-versa... Husbands left and wives answered! The game was REALLY fun! Blake and I placed second!! Haha for two weeks of being married... That's not bad!! Lol. After the game we i All mingled, Blake and I opened presents, played pool with my parents and then called it a night! It was a really great party!! The next day Ashlyn got blessed at church!
And we headed back over to Gran and Grandads to eat! Haha the weekend was loads of fun and Blake and I had a great day! Monday it was right back to work at the chocolate factory! Tuesday was a different story though! Tuesday Blake and I woke up. we went to the store, bought some stuff, picked up our Fox, went to his parents house and picked up more stuff, got some gas, loaded the boat and then we set off to our camping adventure! We went to Quail creek which is about 15 minutes from our house and we set up camp haha! We stayed Tuesday, Wednesday and came home today, Thursday! It was tons of fun! We went boating and caught some beautiful rainbow trout! We made tin foil dinners, had eggs and bacon, had visitors ;) and we even let Foxie swim! I had SO much fun camping with my best friend! We got tan, got burned, snuggled, fished, slept, ate, talked, laughed and made many memories together! I can proudly say I love camping with Blake. The way I feel when I'm with him makes me whole world spin, makes me complete. I am so truly blessed to be his wife and to have him as not only my husband but my best friend. Long story short!... Haha we had tons of fun camping and I'm looking forward to all our MANY camping adventures to come!!! Thanks for reading! Hope to post again soon! Love always Kathy THOMPSON!!! ;) P.s. Will get pictures up as soon as I am by a computer :)!!

1 comment:

Clenece said...

I just saw you had a blog...AWESOME! You and Blake are SUPER cute together and we are glad to have you apart of the family!

Just so you know we DIDN'T forget about giving you guys your "wedding gift". Saturday was SUPER crazy and with moving and everything, I was a little late in putting it all together. So YES I have your gift and will have to give it to you guys soon! Sorry it is so late!