
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh my Husband is AAAAA-MAZING!!

I'm Back!!!!
Life has been pretty hectic here at the Thompson household. Lots of coming and going and very little sitting and staying. Work has been awesome for both Blake and I. I am currently in the middle of painting Bellas room with her a turquoise blue with brown polka dots and strips. It's turning out brilliantly (pictures will be posted soon). Blake has been having pretty consistent work with Grandad which is a big blessing and we have both been enjoying our job together at night. But with my new job and our new job life has been pretty pretty busy. Now, now I am not complaining but it's pretty nice to get some "down time". Our internet, or should I say our neighbors internet has been down for the past couple weeks. (They gave us the password and have been letting us mooch off of theirs for the past 6 or 7 months. AWESOME. Talk about serious cookies and treats being sent over from the Thompson crew lol) But lately it's been down (lame broken router. Boo.), so I haven't had any internet to blog. Besides from when I go and make base at the library for a couple hours but in all honesty I'd so rather read at the library than worry about catching up on all that blogging I've missed,EEK! The whole internet being down hasn't been TOO big of deal for me since I have been working almost everyday (except Sundays and Mondays) So I don't have to much time to get on the internet anyway. But, seriously, not blogging has really bummed me out. I love blogging mainly because it's like a personal journal. I love actually recording all the fun events that are happening in our lives. Blogging is also some sort or stress reliever and it's something I look forward to so not being able to has put a tiny damper on things. So... my sweet sweet Husband turned my phone into a... HOT SPOT!! **squeal!** From now on as long as I have my phone nearby I have FULL wifi on my laptop! Seriously to cool! My internet works way faster then before and I now I not only have internet at home but if I feel like blogging at the park... I can! Anyways, I'm gonna sync my phone now! Hopefully I'll get to blog later! Peace!

Kathy T!

1 comment:

*The Ranagan's* said...

AWESOME! That is such an amazing feature to have. Its incredible what our phones can do these days. Love it! Keep blogging cuz we love it too =]
love ya kak