
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Friday, August 13, 2010

5 Years Time

So peeps you want to see what I did all day yesterday?! I bet you do! 
My sisters and I started making vlogs, or video blogs awhile back. Just our own personal way to keeping in touch since I have limited minutes haha.
 Anyways, the other day I spent ALL day making them a music video just because I could, but after all was said and done and I took a step back and watched it. I loved it TOO much to not share it with any of you! So... without further ado... 
5 Years Time
P.s. I made this video while Blake was at work so he has yet to see it haha He'll judge me.
P.p.s. The tutu was something I made for a high school dance in 10th grade so its had quite a bit of wear and tear to it. Also my stellar cape is from when Blake and I went to Six Flags back in our dating era haha he has one as well! Only his is red, not pink haha.
ONE LAST P.S. Please don't mind my lanky arms. They are there because I can't do anything about them. Thanks!

I figured I would make an awesome childish music video while I am still at that age where being childish is okay. The whole point of it was to be silly and happy and fun and childish and to make people laugh! If you laughed at least once while watching it, my purpose was fulfilled! 
The hearts on the walls are still up and they will remain up until we move. They make my craft room so cheerful! and they match perfectly with my dressers!! I hope this video made your day because it sure made mine! Remember, sometimes the simplest things in life can be the best!!

Love ALWAYS!!:: Kak!!
If the video quality bugs you a BUNCH like it does me you can go  here for one that doesn't sound WAY bad and isn't blurry! :)

1 comment:

Sheri Kay said...

So cute Kathy! How could Blake not be in total adoration of his darling wife?! Just so ya know, it will always be ok to be childlike!