
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Things that made me happy Today

Waking up and seeing this picture on my desktop
Every now and again my sisters and I get on webcam to talk. And every now and again Foxie pops up to say hi! Love that precious little fury face! (please ignore my face at the bottom right lol)

Losing my camera and then finding it in the first place I look!

Receiving a BUNCH of ribbons from Holly (the lady I Nanny for) and then coming home and making hair bow after hair bow!

Brenna introducing me to a great AWESOME book series called The Hunger Games that I LOVE!
and also the book Lynell let me borrow, Might As Well Laugh About It Now by Marie Osmond that I am now reading a second time because it's just to great

And lastly not only one but TWO rainbows after a rainy day! (these pictures were takin' a little bit ago but i just stumbled upon them and they made me happy!)
The first picture you can't really see the 2nd rainbow but the second picture I altered the saturation so it would be more visible. For some reason my camera wouldn't get the 2nd rainbow real well but it was there!

Well Folks, this is what brought a smile to my face today! Don't worry, I have many posts for tomorrow!! 

Love:: ME!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Has it been forever or what?!

Dearly beloved bloggers...
I'M SOOOOO SOOOORRRRYYYY!!!! Okay, okay. I know. It's been forever. But I have a good and totally cliche excuse. I've been busy. seriously!! SO much has happened in the past 12 days. Wow. I just realized it's only been 12 days. So, I am taking half of my apology back because that's not very long after all. haha but still, sorry for the 12 days. So much AWESOME stuff has happened with my/Blakes family! It's been a very exciting time and I feel I'd rather live in the moment then sit back, take pictures and obsess over blogging about it. So bare with me and I PROMISE I will have many many posts by September something filling you all in on my wonderful adventures!! Until next post!!
Mrs. Kathy Thompson!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Summer Dress

Summer fun in a new summer dress! Yupp I made another dress and I'm not sure how I feel about it just yet. 
I love the fabric and how cheery it is!! And for modesty measures I paired it with a light white jacket.
I put some decorative sewing on the pockets because I could and I also added some buttons.  I love the dress the only thing is it's a size 6 and I'm a size 2-3ish so, it's kind of big :( Don't worry though... I'll grow into it!! haha As for now it'll work just fine! Hopefully next year it will work perfectly!! Goodnight!

Love:: Kathy Thompson

Friday, August 13, 2010

5 Years Time

So peeps you want to see what I did all day yesterday?! I bet you do! 
My sisters and I started making vlogs, or video blogs awhile back. Just our own personal way to keeping in touch since I have limited minutes haha.
 Anyways, the other day I spent ALL day making them a music video just because I could, but after all was said and done and I took a step back and watched it. I loved it TOO much to not share it with any of you! So... without further ado... 
5 Years Time
P.s. I made this video while Blake was at work so he has yet to see it haha He'll judge me.
P.p.s. The tutu was something I made for a high school dance in 10th grade so its had quite a bit of wear and tear to it. Also my stellar cape is from when Blake and I went to Six Flags back in our dating era haha he has one as well! Only his is red, not pink haha.
ONE LAST P.S. Please don't mind my lanky arms. They are there because I can't do anything about them. Thanks!

I figured I would make an awesome childish music video while I am still at that age where being childish is okay. The whole point of it was to be silly and happy and fun and childish and to make people laugh! If you laughed at least once while watching it, my purpose was fulfilled! 
The hearts on the walls are still up and they will remain up until we move. They make my craft room so cheerful! and they match perfectly with my dressers!! I hope this video made your day because it sure made mine! Remember, sometimes the simplest things in life can be the best!!

Love ALWAYS!!:: Kak!!
If the video quality bugs you a BUNCH like it does me you can go  here for one that doesn't sound WAY bad and isn't blurry! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ready for our date

Today I woke up really wanting to go on a picnic, I was so excited to go until I started to get ready and felt super sick to my stomach :( So I got back in bed and tried to sleep it off. When I woke up a little bit later at the same time Blake did the urge to want to go on a picnic was gone. Would you like to know why?? Because i didn't have a good ol' classic picnic basket. So I got back up and started my hunt. I had no idea where to look first, I was thinkin maybe some thrift stores? But I figured I would stop by D.I. since it was on the way to the thrift store I had in mind. As soon as I got inside I went straight to the baskets and there it was!
The perfect picnic basket! and only for $2, that made me happy! And soo... tomorrow Blake and I are going on a picnic!! and I'm going to load up my beautiful basket and load up a blanket and we're gonna hit a park! Super excited!

Also, last night while Blake and I were on our way to Dairy Queen we had a permanent detour to... the Frostop! We got glaciers and piccadilly chips. Yum!
New favorite?? I think so!! well folks, that's all my news for tonight! Stay tuned for my next post :)

Love: Mrs. T

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Life Is A Treat

Guess what Blake and I have been doing this past week?? Thrift store/antique shopping! That's right! We got some pretty awesome stuff!! Here, let me list them

First stop...D.I. we got a really cool huge mirror for 15 dollars and a giant lamp for 8 bucks! The mirror was not very attractive, and so... Blake and I are fixing it up, out with the brown paint and in with the ivory. So far it's lookin good! Our lamp doesn't have a spot in our house just yet but don't you worry your little heart, I will find a spot! Right now it's sitting on my side table by my bed because I just like it so much. Such a beauty!
Along with the lamp and the mirror we got a shelf to hold our keys and our mail. Which Blake also turned from brown to ivory, with a little hint of green, which I'll add myself later on. The shelf we got for only 2 dollars!
Oh I love awesome deals! But the fun doesn't stop there! Last week I was surfing through craigslist, and I found these wonderful tables. FOR FREE!
The table splits in half so I can either have one round one or two. I like the stacked looked but I'm not sure yet. They need to be re painted hopefully a pink or a blue? We'll see. Can't complain, they were free!

Speaking of free, let me finally introduce you to my rocking chair that Blake and I picked up for free a few months back!
Perfect right?! I found her on craigslist and Blake and I went and picked her up! She's been awesome in the summer! Blake and I have spent many of nights on her sipping smoothies and reading books. Hope she sticks around a few more years!

Next on the list... New Dressers!
Do you just love these!! Blake and I got them for my craft room along with this black shelf
Both for $15!  Can you say steal? My dressers are already filled with fabrics and patterns! I love how nicely my craft room is coming along!
I also love spending hours and hours in there feeling fabrics, listening to music, organizing, etc. I only wish I had a tv and xbox in there also so Blake would want to hang out with me haha. 

Anyways... next and last on the list of new treats is my favorite! 
My little Remmy! I got a Remington typewriter!! Blake and I have been looking for a typewriter for a few months now. We looked at D.I., some thrift stores and a bunch of antique stores. We found quite a few but they all cost a pretty penny $60 and up. Money I just couldn't bring myself to spend,even when my wonderful husband said I could :) [[Sweetheart]]. Eventually I just stopped looking. I gave up. Well, the other day after work I was driving on the boulevard when a sign caught my eye. An antique store. One blake and I hadn't been to yet, so I pulled up, parked, and went inside. While I was just wondering around and admiring all the wonderful things around me,  I looked down to see my wonderful Remmy! There he was in all his glory. When I read the price tag and found out how cheap he was I went and picked up Blake and we went back to RnBs and bought him! 
I've already written multiple letters, cards and I even use him to write my own personal journal! (He even types on envelops! Brenna... Don't say a word lol) I can't believe I finally have a typewriter. He makes me SO SO SO happy. I love listening to the sound of the keys, and the little *ding* sound he makes at the end of the page. Everything my little Remmy is and does fills me with joy! Oh joy!!
It's pretty awesome that all of my wonderful new treats cost us less then $40!! I love finding great deals!
Well folks, that's all for now! I'm off to get some yummy DQ with my husband! be jealous lol. Will write soon with pictures of my NEW DRESS!! So exciting! 

Love:: Kak :)

P.s. Happy Birthday Yesterday Gran!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Gigi!

On August 1st It was Gigis birthday!! YAY!! and since Clenece and the kids were leaving to SLC Sunday morning we just HAD to have a party on Saturday!! So everybody met up at our place at 7:30 and we had dinner! Blake made steak and chicken kabobs while I made the fruit kabobs, we also had chips and salsa, and Nick and Clenece brought the drinks! For dessert/birthday cake we had strawberry cheesecake! It was a very yummy dinner! I was in to big of a rush to think about pictures of the food so just use your imagination! But here are some that I did take!
Well that's all of them!! Haha I love Mckennas little poses and facial expressions.
All in all it was a pretty fun little get together! The next day we all went to Papa and Gigis house for yummy cake and ice cream! I love all our little family get togethers! It makes life so sweet!

Love:: Kathy T

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's about time...

Okay, Okay so I know this is long long over due but my sweet sweet Husband finally helped me out and took some pictures!! (I think it was because since it was fast Sunday he only did it to keep his mind off his grumbling tummy lol.) Amber, Clenece and Gigi this is for you haha.

So here is the story and then there will be pictures. When I got my sewing machine all I wanted to do was sew but I didn't have anything to sew so Blake took me out and I got a pattern for a dress! I got the pattern on Saturday  and got home and just  cut and cut and sewed and sewed. ((I personally think patterns should come pre-cut, that way you don't have to cut the pattern and then the fabric. It makes my hand cramp up haha.)) After I finally got everything cut out I started to sew. Since this is pretty much my first time really sewing it took me a LONG time to finish my dress haha I started around 9:30 and didn't finish until around 6 Sunday morning. I was committed to getting my dress done. After I finished i went and woke up the husband and tried it on for him! He approved and I wore it to church 5 hours later haha. So without further ado... the dress...

In the end (though I messed up on the lining) I really liked the dress. It fits me good and it's very comfortable. The only thing I don't like is how low the neck  goes in the back. I feel like it shows off too much skin and makes me feel naked lol Oh well, you get what you get. All together though since I already had the fabric from my Mom the dress only cost my the price of the pattern. 3.44$ Sweet! And I think I'll also wear it more than once (even better!)

Moving on... my skirts! I've made 3 skirts so far and I'm in the process of making another one. I love these skirts! They're so easy and quick to make and they're cute and fun! They're shirred which a lot of people think shirring is hard but it's actually EXTREMELY  easy! here are some pictures!
This is my new favorite skirt of mine, it's got deep pockets in the front that holds about anything and the fabric is ultra soft. I'm pretty sure if it was socially acceptable to wear one outfit everyday and not be judged, I would wear this skirt haha it's love! I got the fabric 5 bucks a bolt, each bolt has 5 yards so I basically made this skirt for $2. That's including the fabric and the elastic thread. SO cheap!
I even made matching hair bows for each of the skirts! I love them as well!
Now, the orange skirt, it's the same as the one above only I didn't have the patience to put on the pockets so this one is pocketless. maybe that will change, maybe it won't... I don't know just yet!
these are the only pictures you get because my skirt was really wrinkled and all the other ones look funny. haha sorrryyy....!
and lastly my FAVORITE!!
yupp, that's right. I made one for Mckenna and she looks SO cute in it!
I made it similar to mine only she didn't want any pockets and because I love her SO SO much(!) I hemmed the bottom of the skirt with hearts. I think it adds a more personal touch.
She got a little matching hair bow as well. I loved making her a skirt and I loved even more seeing her wear it! I'm now in the process of making a little skirt for Ashyln and so far I LOVE it!! It is SO tiny! Literally only 5 inches long! (mine was 18 inches for something to compare it to) haha I love it!! 
Well, that's all I've made so far Folks! Hopefully I'll be able to come up with a few more things to make, I'm thinking maybe I'll tackle a shirt next? Ya?? I don't know, we'll see! 
Here are a few more random pictures to bring this post to an end. Blake got carried away telling me where to go and what to stand by haha They turned out pretty cool though! Peace!!

(the last one I took, I like it :))
Well thats all for now! Will post more soon!!
Love:: Kathy T!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why I love him so...

So Blake and I have been married more than 4 months now! Don't worry, there will be no long post because I have 2 more posts to post after this one, dishes to do, a class to go to,  some lovely dressers to fill, a lot of curtains to fold, laundry to do and a bedroom to clean. So all the rest of my posts will be relatively short and simple :)
Now, about Blake, over the past month I've gotten some pretty great pictures that show exactly why I love him so! So... Enjoy!
One day I was in my sewing room just minding my own business listening to "I believe in a thing called love" cover by Artist vs. Poet when Blake walked in wearing my hair extensions from my wedding and he totally started rocking out! I died laughing! That moment had to be the best moment of the month by far! Little things like this make my world amazing!
 next picture
It's awesome waking up and going into the kitchen to see wonderful flowers! first I started crying haha then I called Blake, then I put them in a vase and lastly I sat and stared at them for a good 5 minutes! I love them and I love waking up and seeing them every morning!! 
Sorry the picture is blurry, I just love it. To cute!

The boots. 
Blake had to get boots for his job, haha for Blake only wearing vans and Mcbeths for almost all his life, these boots were quite the stretch. He says he didn't like them but I know he did lol I'd go to my room to see Blake sleeping with his new boots on haha 'stretching them out'. Now he really doesn't like them because after wearing them a couple days he discovered they're to heavy and he's not as agile with them haha but besides that fact I couldn't help but totally admire him when he paraded around our house wearing basketball shorts and his boots. Talk about heart swells! 
Well, I have a bunch of more pictures and stories about Blake but these ones are my favorites for now! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband. Everyday is something new, new laughs, smiles, hugs and adventures! I'm grateful I get to share all of that with the man I love! 
Stay tuned on the 27th for more pictures of why I love him so! 

Love:: Mrs. T!