Or something a little more sophisticated like this
Or this
Or my ABSOLUTE favorite
Isn't that purse just gorgeous! The lady that originaly created this purse has like a BILLION of these purses in a ton of gorgeous different fabrics! (okay... Maybe not a billion. More like 40. But seriously. 40.) I'm jealous. And who knows, maybe I'll get really good at making these and some of you lucky ladies might get one as a gift. ;). Maybe. So many crafty people and I want to be one of them! Now I know that there are a ton of crafts out there that don't need a sewing machine but I'm past the point of wanting to decorate our home, (I quit after the family room) and I'm now to the point where I want to sew. Now I know, "if wishes were fishes we'd all have a fry" or something like that. But I can't help but hope! I asked Blake if I could get one and he said no. Probably because he thinks if I get one I'll neglect him and spend all my free time with my beautiful machine. Actually I know that's how he feels and I honestly don't blame him. Haha I can barely resist myself when we pass by them at walmart. My 'wants' have officially become my 'needs'. I wonder if there is any way I could sew in bed while Blake and I watch our movies together... Hmmm.... Once again... Going crazy!! BUT!. I think I'm fine with wishing BECAUSE.... My birthday is coming up and when Blake asked me to make my birthday wish list I cleverly put that on the top of my list :) [as well as in the middle and the bottom of my list!] Yes, you can applaud the brilliance behind this plan. I'll let you know how it turned out come the 4th of June ;) *fingers crossed* ANYWAYS... Now my rant is done. I hope you all enjoy listening to me blabber on and on. ::Thanks for reading!! Hope to post again soon!!! Kathy A. THOMPSON P.s. While writing this blog on my phone I leaned over to get my charger so it wouldn't die... Again... and in the process I somehow deleted more then half my original post. So don't be upset if the rest of this post isn't as brilliantly funny. Thanks :) P.s.s. Wait for my next blog when I write all about my HORRIBLE dream I had the other night :(... Am I leaving you anticipated??
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