
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maylee Baby Thompson

If you don't already know, Blake and I got a puppy! 
Her name is Maylee Thompson, She's six weeks old, she's a pure breed Golden Retriever and she already has our hearts
We've had her now for four days and she's such a big part of our growing family! 
This is our little girly after her first bath, hence the black tips on her ears lol

Blake and I found an ad on the internet and we decided to go and just look but while we were there we fell in love and had to get one! We got extremely lucky and they gave us a price we just couldn't say no to. Blakes wanted a Golden Retriever since Sadie passed away a couple years back, and we knew we were gonna end up with one eventually so we took the deal and ran with it! And now we have Maylee! 

Foxie's been pretty sad since she came here, she had to leave her best friend, little Paco, up North with Mick. We thought little Maylee would be a great little friend for the Fox and so faaaaarrrr... let's just say we'll see lol.
Foxie tolerates Maylee and will play with her occasionally but Maylee likes to play, be rough and annoy and Foxie likes to snuggle, relax, and be solo. 
But when she does play with Maylee it is soooo so so cute!
Were hoping Foxie learns to love Maylee just as much as she did Paco but we'll just have to see. She sure does a good job checking up on her when she whines though lol.

As for our family... They're all smitten! Marc comes over just to play with her haha I can't wait to take her up north to see my family, I'm sure they'll love her just as much!

Wanna hear even better news?! Potty training is coming along perfectly! As long as there is a clean potty pad laid out for her to use... She'll use it! Sublime!

Here our some pictures of our little beauty!
Isn't that little puppy face darling?? I sure think so!

She loves sleeping in any type of tight little crevasse I love it!
This is one of my favorite pictures! Maylee just got out of the bath and I left the puppy brush upstairs so I had Blake hold her while I went and got it and when I came back downstairs they were both sleeping! I loved it!

Anyways, that's all the pictures I have for now! But expect to see more!

The Thompson Family!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Free Family Photos...?!

Hey all my fellow readers!!!

A couple months back my gorgeous sister-in-law Amber and her family got family pictures while in Saint George and they are amazing!
gorgeous aren't they??
Anyways, I went along with the shoot to help out with the kiddos and the photographer that took them is awesome! She is so friendly and nice and patient! I love her pictures!! 

Now lets cut to the chase... She's doing a giveaway for a free photo session! I toooottttaaalllllyyyy want to win this! I have been wanting to get family pictures for awhile and now that we have our new little addition (Maylee )and a new house, I want them even more! 

So friends, I'm asking for your help! Please Please Please! Go to her facebook page, like her profile, 

then go to the giveaway status, find my comment, and like it!

P.s. It's the 6th comment down!

If you could do this for me and we win, I promise to love all of you who helped me out forever! The giveaway ends on Friday so hurry you're little bum on over there!

I'll let you know how it turns out on as soon as I know!! Much thanks for your time!!!

Xoxo Love:: Mrs. Thompson!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Big Move!

Blake and I MOVED!!!!

Last Wednesday Blake and I went and looked at a 3 bed 2 1/2 bath town home up in the Santa Clara area. We liked it quite a bit, all the walls were freshly painted (not white!) and the kitchen was just refinished with new cabinets, wood floor and new tile. All the bedrooms are located upstairs and the family, dining, laundry, and kitchen are downstairs. It's the perfect layout. One of the only problems was the fact that the Landlords didn't want to have any pets in the house. Blake and I were pretty bummed at first but when we showed the landlord a picture of our Fox Linda said she would be allowed and Blake and I could move in the following day! 

Thursday, Blake and I gave our notice and started packing. Friday, Scott and Marc came over and helped with all the big furniture (the stuff my whimpy arms can't move lol). Later that night Missy, Nessa, and my FOXIE showed up in town! Blake and I called it a night at Pine Valley and headed to our new humble abode :) 

Missy and Ness were only able to be here until Monday but they helped loads and we had fun. Antique shopping, consignment shopping, Amanda D and her brother Thomas came over Sunday and we had dinner and watched the superbowl. My family is hilarious and it's always a good time when they visit! We were sad to say good bye but I know we'll be seeing them soon, so until then sistas! I love you girls!!!

Since then there has been a lot of packing, moving, unpacking, playing, putting away. packing, moving, packing, etc, etc... Now we're out of the Pine Valley completely and nestled into our new place. Being here is amazing! Most mornings go like this; wake up with the Fox at the foot of our bed, or next to Blakes face lol, go clean the back, come home to our over the top excited pup, eat some breakfast, then we bundle up and head out on a wonderful morning walk on the trail right behind our place! The trail is pretty cool, it's right next to a stream and some mornings Blake and I get to watch ducks and our friend little Beaver friend work on his house. Then we come home eat some doughnuts and play with Foxie until work. :)

Foxie is such a bright light in our life. It's always nice to come home from an exhausting day of work to a little puppy that literally freaks out for 20 minutes by the fact that 'you're home and it's time to snuggle!' She runs in a billion circles around you and her tail wags non stop. She makes Blake and I laugh constantly! haha She is such a great little addition to our family. 

Now that we have our Fox back our next step is... college!! And boy let me tell ya... Filling out fafsa papers is noooo fun! But we WILL get it done and we WILL start college this year! **woot woot!!** 

But until then I have a lot more unpacking to do and work to get ready for. Don't worry folks, I'll post pictures soon!

Mrs. Thompson