
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why I love him so...

So Blake and I have been married more than 4 months now! Don't worry, there will be no long post because I have 2 more posts to post after this one, dishes to do, a class to go to,  some lovely dressers to fill, a lot of curtains to fold, laundry to do and a bedroom to clean. So all the rest of my posts will be relatively short and simple :)
Now, about Blake, over the past month I've gotten some pretty great pictures that show exactly why I love him so! So... Enjoy!
One day I was in my sewing room just minding my own business listening to "I believe in a thing called love" cover by Artist vs. Poet when Blake walked in wearing my hair extensions from my wedding and he totally started rocking out! I died laughing! That moment had to be the best moment of the month by far! Little things like this make my world amazing!
 next picture
It's awesome waking up and going into the kitchen to see wonderful flowers! first I started crying haha then I called Blake, then I put them in a vase and lastly I sat and stared at them for a good 5 minutes! I love them and I love waking up and seeing them every morning!! 
Sorry the picture is blurry, I just love it. To cute!

The boots. 
Blake had to get boots for his job, haha for Blake only wearing vans and Mcbeths for almost all his life, these boots were quite the stretch. He says he didn't like them but I know he did lol I'd go to my room to see Blake sleeping with his new boots on haha 'stretching them out'. Now he really doesn't like them because after wearing them a couple days he discovered they're to heavy and he's not as agile with them haha but besides that fact I couldn't help but totally admire him when he paraded around our house wearing basketball shorts and his boots. Talk about heart swells! 
Well, I have a bunch of more pictures and stories about Blake but these ones are my favorites for now! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband. Everyday is something new, new laughs, smiles, hugs and adventures! I'm grateful I get to share all of that with the man I love! 
Stay tuned on the 27th for more pictures of why I love him so! 

Love:: Mrs. T!

1 comment:

Clenece said...

blake TOTALLY looks like Marc in the top left hand picture with your hair!! Same face as Marc. lol