
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Gigi!

On August 1st It was Gigis birthday!! YAY!! and since Clenece and the kids were leaving to SLC Sunday morning we just HAD to have a party on Saturday!! So everybody met up at our place at 7:30 and we had dinner! Blake made steak and chicken kabobs while I made the fruit kabobs, we also had chips and salsa, and Nick and Clenece brought the drinks! For dessert/birthday cake we had strawberry cheesecake! It was a very yummy dinner! I was in to big of a rush to think about pictures of the food so just use your imagination! But here are some that I did take!
Well that's all of them!! Haha I love Mckennas little poses and facial expressions.
All in all it was a pretty fun little get together! The next day we all went to Papa and Gigis house for yummy cake and ice cream! I love all our little family get togethers! It makes life so sweet!

Love:: Kathy T


Lynell said...

Thanks Kathy and Blake for a wonderful, memorable birthday feast!!! The food was sooooo good; truly one of my best birthday dinners ever. And Kathy, YOU make our lives so sweet :) I don't know how you do it sometimes, but I admire your positive attitude and willingness to help and do so much.

Davis Family said...

Thanks for taking such good care of my mom for me. Since I do not live there to spoil her myself, I am glad to know that she has you guys and Nicks family to take care of her for me. You guys are awesome. Wish we could of been there too!!

Unknown said...

Lynell: I just LOVE you!! I got so lucky to not only get a wonderful husband but also a wonderful family with him! I seriously die looking forward to all of our family get togethers and love our sunday desserts! lol thanks for being such a great Mom and such a great influence in my life!!

Amber: No problem :) I can't wait for you guys to finally move here so we can take such good care of you too!! We have lots of swimming and summer sun to catch up on! I'm trying to persuade Blake to take a trip to Cali before I start school! **fingers crossed!!**