
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sawyer, Sawyer, Sawyer....

Can I just say that being this little boys Momma is SO gratifying.
It is one of the most amazing things in this world.
Here are a few things I've learned about being a Momma these past few months.

Sleeping is such a precious thing and one I've always taken for granted. But, being able to snuggle up with my little one, hearing him breathe and smelling his sweet baby smell, is so much better.

Bottles... I'm positive I've cleaned more than a billion thousand bottles since he's been on this earth.

Diapers and formula aren't as detrimental to our wallet as I thought they'd be. But, my obsessive baby shopping compulsion is. I can't leave any store with at least one item for Sawyer in the cart.

Latching and unlatching his carseat into and out of the carseat base in the car has become my least favorite job (alongside bottle cleaning duty).

Blake refuses to change poopy diapers.  He runs like it is the plague. I, on the other hand, got blessed with the fact that unless my nose is buried in the diaper, can barely smell a thing.
Outdoor activities have become much funner(spelling?) with a baby. ie: dog walks, running, Sunday drives, eating out, etc.  I'm excited for when the little dude gets what is going on and can laugh alongside Blake and I.

I'm pro at rocking/singing my baby to sleep. I feel like I was literally born for this task. The hard part is putting him in his crib to let him sleep and missing out on massive snuggle time.

If I had it my way, nothing would ever get done except bum changes, belly's fed, and snuggling.  Perfect world.

In any occasion where holding Baby S or holding Baby S in his carseat, I trump Blake. That man couldn't hold him longer than 5 minutes without needing a 60 minute deep tissue massage.

A part of my heart breaks every morning when Blake gets up, gives us both kisses goodbye, and leaves for his 8 hour work day.  What I wouldn't give for us to both be able to be stay at home parents. Once again, my perfect world.

Baths are easily top favorites.

And although I am very grateful my Lil' Boomba is successfully sleeping 6 hours each night, I need to find a way to fall back asleep after that 6 hour feeding because being up at 4 is nothing short of inconvenient.

I love the many similarities between my child and my Husband.

Sawyers cute baby sneezes are adorable.

And last but not least, I will never fail to marvel at the fact that my heart melts a little every time Sawyer is sweet enough to give me one of his face eating smiles. (which is quite often).
I just love this child and being his little Momma.

Until next time

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