
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The grass is definitely greener in CC

A lot has happened to our lil' family since my last post in February! Every month something new is happening it seems. But let me just say this right here, right now. I have never been happier in my life! I wake up and go to bed everyday completely content, blessed, and happy with where I am, where Blake and I are in our life and in our marriage. This is how life should be. 

Since February Blake and I moved from Lexington, across town and into Coral Canyon.
Our new place is sooo much better than our townhome. No stairs, no walking yards from the parking lot to our house, no more tiny patio and no more dark rooms. Our new home has a garage, every room has big windows, we have a nice backyard for the babies, and it's just all around bigger and brighter and prettier :) Our new church ward is super friendly and a lot more welcoming then our last one. I'm very grateful.
Also, funny thing, when my siblings were younger my Mom had a friend who would watch them, over the years they kept in touch and come March I realized that we had moved right across the street from my Moms old time friend! And she's one of the sweetest women I have ever met. We love you Cindy!!

A month after we moved in to our new place Blake and I learned that WE'RE HAVING A BABY !!!! We found out the end of April and are due December 31st! At 16 weeks we found out we're having a BOY!! Shortly after we discovered the lil' bean was a boy Blake caved we agreed on the name 
Sawyer Scott Thompson
how do you not fall in love with a handsome name as such?! 
I'm six months along now and I feel as if the next 3 months are sluggishly going to creep by. But thank goodness it's the holidays because those will help with my anxiety. Not to mention the Thompson family vaca we are going to be taking mid October! Gah!! Can't wait! I'm at the stage in my pregnancy where my ribs constantly hurt from pressure, my sciatic nerve in my lower back thinks it's funny to act up only during work and bedtime, and the exhaustion, grumpiness and lazy days are my best friend. I'm also at the stage where I can feel every move my baby boy makes (including his amazing kicks to my organs. I have the excitement to put together his nursery, I can enjoy watching Blake get excited over  buying him his idea of 'handsome' clothes, i.e. Hurley, Nike, LRG etc. Which he will go to every TJ Maxx, Marshals, and Burlington in Vegas just to get the best 'deals' on his name brand clothes haha. Ultimately he lets me make the big decisions, which crib looks better, which rocker is comfier, which bottles are best. All of which I know just as much as he does. But he doesn't care, just whatever makes me happy. 
Along with falling more in love with our baby everyday, I am falling more and more in love with my Babe everyday. My full grown 27(tomorrow) year old babe. My admiration for this man grows more and more with each little thing he does. When we lay on the couch with our hands on my belly and wait for his kicks. When we lay in bed and talk about how we think our stud will look and what his personality will be like. I secretly hope he has Blake's ears! I love him when I spend all night working on Sawyers painting and even though it's a wreck and I'm a wreck he still tells me it will turn out beautiful. I love that he has been to every one of my appointments with me 100% including doctor visits and treatments at the hospital, he is always there (even if he is stealing my Oreo's). I love how we share the same hopes and fears for our bundle. I love how he calls me beautiful even when I am wearing sweats, covered in paint, no make up, rat nest hair and I am equivalent to a baby whale. He still loves me and I love him even more. Most importantly I love the faith he has in me that I will be a good mother to our child. He believes in me and my abilities to be a Mom even though everyday I doubt myself and wonder what I got myself into. He is my rock and if he says I can do it, I know I can. Not only am I blessed to be having his child but my child is blessed to have him as his Daddy.

Other news:: Blake got a new job! Yupp, that's right! Working for the city of Saint George! He started a month ago and so far it's exactly what he likes. His partner is great and his shifts are awesome! 6 am to 2:30 :) so perfect! Starting October 1st I'll be going part time at work and working almost similar shifts as him. This is an amazing new stepping stone in our life and I'm excited to watch Blake progress and be happy with his new job! 

This past year has been so filling and sooo new but It's an adventure I would never trade for anything! Like I said before, this is how life should be! And I couldn't be happier!

Xoxo: soon to be a Mama Thompson! 
p.s. hopefully we'll be getting internet at our house soon so I won't have to post every 6 months at the Library :) 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Valentines Day

Valentines Day was a treat for me this year. 
My Husband made it special.
made it important.
made it memorable.

My Aunt and Uncle came to visit for valentine weekend 
I worked that day. 
but luckily I got sent home early
on the drive home I got a text from Blake telling me to get ready
dress warm.
He 'd be  picking me up at 5:20.
No questions asked.

I was antsy
very excited
a surprise date
for  me.

5:20 and I can hear our door open. 
Blake comments on my 'smoking hot' attire
blind folds me
carries me to an unknown vehicle
and we're off.
butterflies as I wait 15 minutes for him to get things ready.

My door opens. 
he picks me up.
sets me down.
takes off the blindfold.
shock, tears, kiss.

We were parked on a  hill overlooking my Saint George 
and our  Temple.
He made all my favorites 
(Lynell made the delicious cornbread muffins, THANK YOU!)
Mashed Potatoes
Mixed Fruit
and a delicious Banana Cream Pie from Croshaws 
I was awe-struck

We ate and enjoyed each others company
told childhood stories
and laughed until I cried
eventually the sun began to set
and we finished our meal by candlelight
I was amazed 

He picked me up in a u-haul
decorated it with candles and rose petals 
and a special memory was forever made 
We exchanged gifts. 
My gift to him was lame.
Candy, a fishing magazine, jerky
 and a gift card to his favorite restaurant.
His  gift to me was awesome!
 Costco had these knives over christmas I wanted them SOO bad
Christmas came and went and I forgot to ask for them
when I remembered I went to Costco to buy them and they were sold out
online too.
Blake found them,
ordered them.
and that was my gift! 
We bought a magnet strip from Ikea awhile back 
and when we get settled into our new place
they'll be the first things up in the kitchen  (heart)
After we had dinner and exchanged gifts the wonderful man took me to go see The Vow. 
Wasn't the best movie in the world.
But it was nice watching with my man! 
That was my Valentines  Day.
and I will never forget it!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have a new baby
yupp... baby.
It's 27 inches
Plays my favorite shows
and...  multiple webpages
and.. downloads apps
and... streams music
and... uploads 1,200 photos
and... sooo much moorrreee
and I can even do my online homework in a good mood.
[[i guess that's a plus]]

i adore my Mac
My sweet sweet Husband spoiled me and took me to Best Buy 
yesterday and surprised me with an iMac
it's gorgeous and i'm amazed. I've been wanting one for a 
loooonnnngggg time now, I sold my scooter last year in exchange for 
one, but that fell threw and I ended up not getting one. As soon as 
school started this semester I think Blake started getting
frustrated when I didn't stop complaining about my slow laptop with
a busted battery. I used my online classes as an excuse for my 
need for a new computer.... He 'fell' for it, and now I'm rollin' with a new baby.
**wink, wink** 

I haven't spent to much time with it though, only because I've been spending time with my love, building muscle... Yeah that's right, muscle.  My Mom gave Blake and I a bedroom set and we spent most of yesterday bringing it all upstairs into our room. I have family coming down to visit on the 11th and so we needed to get living conditions in order. While Blake was at work I moved our queen size bedroom set into the guest room and when he got home we moved our new king size set into our room. It's beautiful! Our room looks like a completely different place! While we were up North we bought a new bed set from IKEA and we put all of it together last night, it's gray, white and a touch of color... It's coming along quite nicely. I love coming home after a long day of work and relaxing in my new room with my Hubby. It's slowly becoming my sanctuary, my place of harbor.  

This morning after getting ready I ran over to the bank and helped Blake clean because he was having inspections done today. That was at 4. I then had work at 6 and luckily I got off at 12 because work was pretty slow. I came home, sauntered upstairs and found Blake taking a nap. I curled up beside my best friend and took one of the best naps of my life. I was woken up 3 hours later and Blake took me to the doctors office, got some medicine to get rid of my stomach bug , dinner at Wingers; complete with Concrete Pie, and then to Sportsmans to get some feathers for my jewelry. Now here we are retreated to our sanctuary. [[he let me slip away to write a post and order some things for my store while he watches Jazz game lol]] It's nice being here. In my home, in my room, with Blake... My family, OUR family. and so for now, i'm going to turn off my new baby and go spend time with MY best friend.

Stay tuned for my update of all updates. It's about time I caught up on these past couple of months! I have lots of pictures!

*stay tuned*
i promise to post super soon
xoxo: kathy thompson