
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Relief Society Lovin'

Last night I picked up my new friend Jessica and we went to our ward Relief Society 150th Birthday party. There was a light dinner, some delicious cupcakes and then a wonderful talk on Relief Societys' Past, Present and Future.

They say stick to what you know...

I never understood the saying 'stick to what you know', I always figured that if you just sticked to what you just know, how do you learn and grow? How do you develop new skills? I never really liked the saying until a couple weeks ago. When I made this...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good News!

I finally have a few minutes to post my grreeeaaattt news... i got a new job! starting April 4th i'll be a proud employee of Biolife Plasma Center

i'll be starting as a Plasma Center Technician and i'll be training to become a phlebotomist. i am moreee than excited to start! 

Wanna hear some more good news?? Blake and I will get full Health, Vision, and Dental Benefits and they pay 80% of my college tuition.

i'll have a consistent schedule working 5:30am-2:00pm Monday-Friday one week and then 12:00-8:00pm Tuesday-Saturday the next. and so on and so forth. 

Hopefully the job isn't to good to be true! i'll let you know how it ends up being as soon as i start! 

Thanks for all your love and support!!

Xoxo:: Mrs. Thompson

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sandhollow with the babes *swoon*

On Saturday the 19th Blake and I hit up Sandhollow with Marc and Brenna to try out the fishing. We also brought the pups along so they could get out of the house. On the drive to Sandhollow we put the dogs in their kennel so they wouldn't be all over us while we were driving. 
 Lets just say they didn't like it... 
 at all...
 at all... at all... 
Foxie was literally smushing her face up against the bars, she wanted out so bad.
 But once we were out she enjoyed the wind, the water, and
exploring... she is our little explorer.
Foxie loves exploring.
We were all on the dock when I notice Foxie was missing, when we all looked up we saw her across the lake exploring the rocks solo. ha! We had a good laugh. 

Now our Mays, boy is she cute...
Maylee loves the water! The water was basically ice cold but it didn't even phase her, she loved running around and getting wet and then running in the sand and getting covered in dirt. yay me.
I can't wait until she gets bigger. This summer is going to be filled with camping adventures. 

Xoxo: Kathy T.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Last Tuesday Blake, Marc and I went to Zions National Park to get some hiking done! I had a blast! We hiked up to all three Emerald pools and the Grotto. Zions is such a beautiful place and I can't wait to do a lot more exploring when it warms up, hopefully the pups can tag along.

yup the white stuff over there is snow... the water was freezing!!

Here's a little video of the boys goofing around. I sure do have good time watching those two!

It feels good to be posting again! Stay tuned for my GREAT news! 
Mrs. Thompson