
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

On a cold winter morning.

guess what we did this morning? we had a riot.
i worked last night from 10:00 to this morning at 7:30 + then caught a few hours of zzz’s before i had to get breakfast going. my mom just got home from Peru so navy spent the night with her. this morning was good, work, waffles, snuggles + then Sawyer wanted some milk. so out came the mickey sippy, only this time Sawyer did NOT want the lid on it. we argued back + forth + even though I had spent the past two days + countless hours cleaning my carpets i caved + settle for a straw. hell hath no fury like a toddler who doesn’t get his way. literally minutes after I walked away I heard, “oops, i sorry mommy.” I turned around + a whole glass of milk all over my fresh carpets. i instantly shot up, wiped some tears, grabbed the carpet cleaner and started to wipe up the mess. last night, after cleaning the carpet i was running late to work and left the cleaner as is + this morning i remembered i didn’t dump the dirty water out so i pulled the bucket out, ran to the kitchen + the bottom of the container snapped out + TWO gallons of filthy water spilled all over my carpet, arrow and my kitchen floor. + on top of all of that after hearing the crash + a few choice words, sawyer  came sprinting into the kitchen, slipped, + fell in the filthy water.
So let’s recap,  laboriously clean carpet, lidless sippy, spilled milk, spilled dirty water, filthy puppy + infant, + a new bag of dog food, drowned in the mess + a broken carpet cleaner.
Then there is me. Just a wreck.
First, i called blake, because i needed a hug.
Second, i called my mom to see if she could keep navy.
Third, i collected + convinced myself the world hadn’t come to a stop, + got to work.
i couldn’t afford to have dirty puppies running around so, we killed two birds with stone and they took a bath together!
And guess what else, i fixed the carpet cleaner + got everything cleaned up!
Today was a riot. But, we survived.
Mrs. T

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your blog and I want to be your follower, because I enjoy reading your post and you should CONSIDER writing for the news paper 0) life is full of challenges but that is what makes life great so we have a purpose to live, endure, be happy.