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Thanksgiving 2015 |
Oh hey there! its just me. nothing too exciting. giving this whole blogging thing a go, again. wish me luck!
i’m sitting here wondering why i even made the switch, when lets be honest, i don’t really blog. not because i dont want to but mainly because i really don’t have the time (or so i keep telling myself). because in all seriousness over here, the only extra time i have laying around is already pre-reserved for sleep. i really do enjoy blogging, i wish i had a bit more to blog about but most of our adventures fall within our front doors.
with that being said i’m thinking about picking up the whole blog again just so i can have a place to categorize and organize the many pictures i take on the daily. that, and sawyer is too hilarious not to share.
so lets get this boat floatin! as of late life has been quite the rollercoaster. i’m talking some pretty serious highs and lows over here. i feel like our last months adventure should be bullet pointed. here goes…
- blake got a new job! he was feeling a bit restless at his current job + not really thinking much of it, he applied for a new one + within 3 days he had received a offer! So we talked and weighed our options + we felt like it was a yes + he put in his 2 weeks.
- his new job required that we live on site, like his current one + we only had 30 days from when he put his notice in to move out of our apartment so we sold A LOT of our furniture + packed up our house.
- and our new home had WOOD floors, allowed pets and had easy access to the outside so we bought a puppy. (which we had full intentions on getting around Christmas but due to some complications we brought her home early.)
- after his two weeks ended, blake started his first day + we discovered the true meaning of “the Lord works in mysterious ways” + we ended up not taking that leap!
- so we spent the last two weeks unpacking, blake has come home from work grinning from ear to ear, grateful for picking the job that he loves. + i’m over here on the kitchen floor with a pup in my lap, watching two diapered babies stumble around thankful for a no longer restless hubby, a unexpected decluttered house + a list of furniture I get to excitedly go and pick out for our freshly turned unit! (i’m looking forward to a new couch!)
in other news, arrow puppy is finally figuring out the whole potty training thing, you think i would be in over my head with the TWO diapered babies we already have but what can i say? i’m a glutton for punishment!
blake + i have decided that Christmas he would be in charge of Sawyers gifts + I would get Navy’s. blake loves Christmas so much he started shopping for Sawyer in September. i’m over here still wondering what clothes I’m going to put on navy for the day. the gifting has overwhelmed me. i mean, what do you get a one year old? beats me. i’m thinking i’ll just drown her in baby dolls.
but folks, my shift has ended + my bed is calling to me with those luscious feathers. just waiting. i promise i’ll try to write again soon, but that’s all i can give ya
Mrs. T
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