
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sure honey, it'll be fun...

"it will be fun", he said
"we can do it for FHE," he said
"you'll love it!," he said
"the water will be warm," he said

the other day blake really wanted to go fishing at the provo river.
that man sure loves to fish.
you see, i'm not very fond of being eaten alive
+ although i have a pretty sick pole, i'm not very good.
i wasn't sure how it would go with the babe
standing in the water, with an 18 lb. baby strapped to me trying to cast across a river that is the equivalent temperature of antarctica, wasn't so appealing
but... "it will be fun", he said

so i bucked up, strapped on my fishing attire (swimsuit, a raggy old shirt + 10 yr old boardshorts), + went to "have fun"
our first stop was cabelas because although I had a sick pole it had no line + blake had to upgrade his gear + supplies for provo river status.
i couldn't believe it, he was a little kid at christmas!
cabelas to him, is joanns to me, it was slightly adorable.
i couldn't believe that by the time we had escaped the store, it was almost FIVE
we we're finally ready to fish. with all our new gear + baby in tow we headed to the river
we we're almost there when "CLUNK" + warm air spitting out our vents
our car sputtereted to a stop + we pulled it over
i couldn't believe it! our      had broken + the car was now undriveable
we called my sister Mands + she showed up to the rescue
bummed by our adventure that never got to play out Amanda turned left + headed towards the river

we got there a little later than desired but had a blast none the less
we tried a few spots, no bites
a few more, no bites
then finally, on our last lap BOOM! a fish!!
+ then another one!
it was amazing!

the water was freezing
+ sawyer was heavy
but i did have fun
+ i loved snuggling my little guy close
as i watched my man do what he loves
while i laughed + chatted with my sister.
it was one great family night!

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