
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Beginning

So as you may or may not know Blake and I are going to be getting married THIS Saturday! As crazy as it seems to all of you, trust me it seems 10x crazier for me! I'm having A Lot of mixed emotions though none of them in any type of way are bad. I feel like this day has been in the process for months and it seems surreal that it is only in 95 hours OR 3 days 11 hours and 54 minutes. I feel like I've been dreaming about this day literally forever! and now it is finally coming true! Now lets all pray and hope I don't do something stupid like bust a leg or spill something on my dress etc. I can't express how excited I am that I'll be able to wake up next to Blake every morning and give him a kiss on the check and tell him how much I love him. Better yet FALLING ASLEEP next to him! Haha the other day I asked him if we could get a California King sized bed he looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Babe, bigger beds mean farther apart." after that my mind was completely changed and I decided that even if we were sleeping in a TINY bed I'd be perfectly fine because that would mean I would LITERALLY be in his arms lol. I think our queen works out Aaamazing! Anyways after only a months worth of planning, a few sleepless nights, and a lot of envelope licking I can HONESTLY say that our wedding is going to perfect and I am stoked! All I have to do is last the next couple days and the hectic last minute planning!
So, with all wedding stuff set aside I'll now proceed to talk about just life in general. Blake and I are doing really good! Are comfy little house is getting oh so cozier by the day :) We are just barely getting around to meeting our neighbors and they are all great! I'm so excited to start going to our own ward so we can start meeting all our neighbors! Especially with Nick and Clenece moving in right around the corner!
Foxie just got her last shot today :) and she is doing SO great! She never barks, she goes potty on her potty pad and she's ALWAYS excited to see Blake and I! Her cute little personality makes me smile every time I look at her. I'm glad to say she finally sleeps quietly at night in her crate which makes my nights more peaceful! Foxie has already become 100% part of our little family! I could not imagine my life without her cute little self. There is absolutely nothing about her I would change! Not even the mess she leaves around the house!
Anyways, It's about time I brought this little post to a close! Blake and I are supposed to be on the road heading up to Orem! We have a wedding to put on! Thanks for reading I promise to post soon!

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