
It's great being able to wake up next to the one you love and know that they are yours forever. It's great to be able to go through life and make memories with that significant other and all the loved ones around you. I'm glad to be able to have such a blessed life and hopefully I'll be able to share all those wonderful memories with all of you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

where did november go?

geeze.. how the time flies
my mom left to peru before thanksgiving came around
+ we knew she was going to be gone for christmas as well
so we combined the two + had a feast
of course my son is holding a knife.
mitchie-fu (the mouse catcher)
the gorgeous girls
the boys watching a game
where we dine

the gang (look at liam smile **swoon**)
my sweet colby

mick + her fiancé troy

my crazy gorgeous sis vanessa... boys, she's single ;)
our little family
 after we ate dinner we gathered round + had my mom open her gifts
then we ate yummy dessert
+ headed to the movies
where we watched Delivery Man
not to shabby
by the time the movie was up it was pretty late so we all said our goodbyes + headed home
all around our thanksgiving/christmas bash was a grand success
for actual thanksgiving day
we were in saint george spending it with blakes family
we weren't there very long, just a couple of days but it was good
lynell always makes yummy food the whole time the family is there
i'm talking breakfast, lunch + dinner.
so delicious
thanksgiving day we went to gran + granddads per usual
where we caught up with cousins
+ indulged in a yummy feast

just missing nick + clenece + their cute family

amber + her family

our whole november was pretty great, probably our best!
hopefully yours was too..
one last thing...
i have so much to be thankful this year as i have years past
but this one was a little bit more important
this one we had sawyer
he is our greatest blessing
unconditionally is how much i love that boy
just as most of you love your little ones.
i'm so grateful the lord has blessed blake + i with him
each morning we're able to look in those innocent little eyes + marvel at all he has to offer
many days we have asked ourselves what we have done to deserve him
now is when we live our lives TO deserve him
to deserve the happiness he brings us
the joy
the emotions
the love.
i'm thankful for those chubby fingers + toes
his milk smelling breathe + snotty kisses
i've never been so thankful for snotty kisses
it's a whole other world being 'mommy'
one that is cherished in my life
+ sawyers.
i'm thankful for the desire he instills in our lives to be better parents, better people
the  deepened desire to go to church + raise him with a strong foundation
as both blake + i have been raised
i can say that background saved us a lot of hardships growing up
the church has held blake + i together through thick + thin
+ even though at times we take it for granted, we know it is always there
that, i am thankful for this year.
right beside my gratefulness for sawyer is blake.
i would not be who i am or where i am without him.
i would not have my precious boy.
i would not have the love i have every day.
without him i would not have warm arms to wake up beside each morning.
or strong hands to wipe away my tears.
i'm thankful for how this year has brought us so close
for his faith in me + in us + our future
i've never been so thankful for the happiness + light he brings to my every day
( even when he is being a pain in the butt)
i'm thankful for the patience he has as i grow up
i'm thankful for the sacrifices he has made to be where we are today.
i'm thankful for him,
these are my thankfuls + my gratefuls for this year.
for no matter what happens in years to come
or what has happened in years past
these are my constants,
my forever + always.
happy thanksgiving

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